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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. Not if Brock fouls out by halftime.
  2. Yes 53,241 No 13,927 pathetic turnout, waste of money
  3. Fantastic game from Beard. Shoe exchange with the MSU kid was great at the end.
  4. Checo’s team made the tire call mistake. (Hindsight) The only car that can beat a red bull is red bull. He should have done the same tire strategy as Max, the only car that could beat him.
  5. I don’t think they will replace or do the job of those on strike. I do think those that are putting out content frequently could see an uptick in their viewership.
  6. No Green apologist but AD had three blocking calls that should have been a charge. Refs just basically said Green had no right to his spot on the floor AD can go straight through him.
  7. Probably the best starting grid we will see all season. Shame it takes a fluke or weather for some variety.
  8. Seems like the strike could be huge for non-union Youtube content creators.
  9. About $10 Billion dollars 2022 NBA Gross Revenue:$10B 2022 WNBA Gross:$60M
  10. I used to believe this, but now think he stays at West Ham but makes up with the gang. He will be in the stands with girlfriend during a Richmond match. Also glad they didn't have Keely immediately jump into the arms of another after her fight. Doctor selfie was weird. Did Rebecca ever tell Ted what she found out from the PI? Did I miss that?
  11. We all knew where the “statement” was headed. Didn’t need the head-fake double down wasting 20mins of the episode for the same obvious conclusion Otherwise it was actually a strong episode
  12. Been laying in our alley parking lot for a week hidden. Not a residential building It’s also a spot many homeless use to do drugs out of view of the street.
  13. Is there anyone to call and report? UTPD used to have a bike theft division back in the day. Can’t find anything online. *LVM with UTPD lost and found.
  14. Not sure the point of having tires purposely designed to degrade when the Hards can go the whole race with no issues. No one could pass Ocon’s old ass tires lol. Dud of a race after the second off season. Street races suck
  15. SQ3 was their version of one lap qualifying. Poor execution
  16. Best P1 of 23. Felt like it meant something. All teams on track, lots of different strategies/ data collection/development/q practice etc. Mistakes are heavily punished. Qualifying had some spice and variety and a different starting grid. Fun little Friday.
  17. Any recommendations for a 2 seater cover for a cart parked outside a bay house?
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