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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChickenSandwich

  1. That and it probably saves them money to not run the car 96hrs of practice during a season 24 races/48hrs of racing/24hrs qualifying Surprised Guenther didn’t suggest just dropping Friday all together.
  2. It was over the back Dad. Motherfuckers stole it from us.
  3. Never carried, although I do think a CHL course would be highly beneficial for many even with no intention to carry. With two attempted break ins (one in ATX about 4 yrs ago) while home, a home gun is a essential for me.
  4. Very true. The one thing practice sessions do offer is bang for the buck.
  5. Add a p1 to Friday. In minority but prefer sprint weekends to 3 practice session with no stakes
  6. Watching live under ten when they went on a run we were screaming to sub in Brock for Bishop. He waited too ling to make the change (last 4 mins i think)
  7. 4,5,6 years don’t mean shit. Its the buyout. If it’s all downhill from here you need to leave the option open to bail. Hopefully after 3 years we are negotiating a raise instead of a buyout
  8. I could argue that many coaches would be capable of taking over this team like RT and keep the wheels on. I don’t think their are many, almost zero available, who would then go on to win the conference tournament and make the Elite 8. He’s proven himself in the regular and post season as a great to elite coach. If he struggles to recruit or roster build, focus resources on that weakness, if it becomes one, because the man can coach if you give him the team to do so.
  9. When the NBA gets rid of the 1 and done the NCAA should look into extending eligibility to graduate students. What is the harm? More kids with advanced degrees?
  10. 5 years 5 million with a low buyout. Rewards Terry for this season since he’s only making $800k. works out to $4.3million a year (over 6 yrs including this season)
  11. Hunter lead the team with Rice and Carr in foul trouble and his two threes were huge were huge in the moment he’s been great for the last month plus
  12. He’s earned it, but CDC needs to say the right things and not confirm. Terry is a man on a mission. Let him eat
  13. What does Ninfas add to their refried beans that makes them the GOAT?
  14. Bring back Kemp, then trade for Hank Conger as a player coach for back up catcher. Show me a loss
  15. No idea if there is correlation, but this is the best tournament so far in a decade and maybe more. More good games than blowouts etc. lots of talent spread around. It’s the best basketball product there is at the moment.
  16. Could never get into as a kid. Was like a third world Voltron, that always ended in two Hobos fighting while wearing cardboard appliance boxes.
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