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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Don’t need to imagine it. Hows the view from the offseason?
  2. Sure, it complicates things for Arch and complicates things for Texas, but it doesn’t complicate things for Ewers. This is why I think people are jumping the gun on his leaving for the NFL in the same way they were jumping the gun on his greatness in year 2. What if Ewers recognizes that leaving high school early was a mistake and doesn’t want to make the same mistake twice by leaving too early for the NFL? What if he sees that another year here could make him a no-brainer first round pick, because no matter what anyone says, he is not that right now. We continue to be told that “he’s gone,” and maybe he is, but where do people come up with that conclusion? He has t stated it. Have his parents? Has Sark? Or is this prognosis just based on potential alone? It seems very plausible to me that Quinn could come back. That makes it complicated for everyone else, but not for Quinn—unless he can’t beat out Manning next year.
  3. Half the teams in the nation lost today. We weren’t one of them. Hook em.
  4. He doesn’t see the field, can’t throw a consistent long ball, and he is a headcase at times. If you can’t see that, I don’t know what to tell you. He’s been anointed since he arrived and has never lived up to the hype.
  5. I can’t wait until we get an actual quarterback on this team.
  6. Everyone assumed Quinn would be great this year just like everyone assumes he’s going pro. Neither is the case. There will be a QB competition next year.
  7. I’ve felt this way so many times over the last 13 years.
  8. Yeah they’ve been blatant. But that’s going to be all year.
  9. We’ve never had a great pass rush. Alabama’s offensive line is piss poor.
  10. Could we please just fuck them up and get out without any drama. I’d like for the offense to not turtle for the first half. Just let Brooks run over their asses and move on to the next week.
  11. We entered the game with our best DB out and our NFL caliber tight end hobbled enough that he couldn’t block. Our four-year center went down on the first series. We lost the turnover battle 3-0. We lost our starting safety midgame. And we lost on the last play. The starts truly aligned for OU. We said before the game that the only thing that could give them an advantage was injuries and turnovers. The stars aligned. And we still didn’t give it up until the last play. tldr: OU sucks.
  12. What a laughingstock of a franchise.
  13. Hey quite frankly…. Fuck you. I like you and your posting is generally good but it’s less than 24 hours after so kindly suck a bag of dicks and go find an OU message board.
  14. Fucking hate Oklahoma. Worse than that, though, I hate how we come out like pussies every year against them while they come out with their hair on fire. Fuck.
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