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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Let me insert my shocked face here. Oh wait, I can't because my shocked face can't make an appearance when there's nothing shocking about them being dicks.
  2. There wasn't a single person in that audience that didn't look like they were born to be in that audience. You beat me to it!
  3. Of course he's a smoker. And of course he litters. Dude. Smoking is for hanging out in bars in your 20's. Come on Alex.
  4. I've seen some Russian porn, so obligatory 2,x,1
  5. Yeah I know what you are recommending, but what you are recommending has a 0% chance of happening. My approach has a greater than 0% chance of happening.
  6. Well I'm not joking. I don't want to see rape and brutality happening in our prison system, but I also don't mind that it happens, as long as it's just happening to the Jan 6 people. They've earned it. There will be 0 death penalties. There will be 0 hangings, public or otherwise. There will be up to 5 years in prison max for any of these people. That's not enough. I want them to get brutalized and/or raped and then to talk about it in the media. I want all the people thinking they may try this again to know what's waiting for them if they want to FAFO. Fuck them.
  7. I'm on board with all of that, but I'm ok if the rape and brutality don't get fixed in time to save the Jan 6 participants from it. Treasonous fuckers deserve worse than they are going to get from the justice system.
  8. I think soon enough he's going to run afoul of the Miami/South Beach gays as well. It's not a location problem for him, it's a him problem for him. He'd have problems immediately in Smalltown, USA, no matter which state, because he's both black and gay acting. At first, the big city gays will welcome him until he starts showing his true colors then he'll get shunned there too. He's destined to be unhappy forever unless he can figure out how to fix himself.
  9. I always laugh at people that think "This state is too liberal" then move to a conservative state, but still want to live in a city (which is also liberal). If you hate liberals so much, move out to the sticks and prove it, motherfucker!
  10. My cousin doesn't believe in doctors so has had something like 12 kids at home. ~4 of them died in childbirth or shortly after. They were all "home schooled"w, and my understanding of their home schooling was they watched TV and went to WalMart with their mom while the dad was at work all day. The oldest ran away from home when she was 18 to get away from the crazy. The others are all still at home with mom. And at this point I guess the youngest is probably 16. I'd be shocked if any of them have better than a 3rd grade education. CPS has been called on her multiple times by multiple family members, and every time CPS responds, the cousin just moves. I think that home schooling can be great if it's done well. The problem is that there is really no oversight to make sure it's done well. I do have another friend who is doing it right, and those kids are whip smart. Plus she works with other home school parents to get the socialization part included and so I have no concerns at all about those kids. But for every success story, there's my cousin as a counter.
  11. How far can he go before he could be charged with fighting language, or inciting a riot, or inciting a sedition? For real, where's the line drawn?
  12. If that was my dad he would’ve been uninvited. I take a very dim view on his son.
  13. If you don't want to believe your lying eyes, don't let me stop you from deluding yourself, but I want you to remember this conversation when you get rounded up. And I want you to apologize for your hubris when that happens. Good luck to you.
  14. I mean, they had a giant dixie flag hanging up as their stage backdrop. I would expect her to go with that one every single time.
  15. Yep, being in tech myself, I can foresee a point in the not too distant future where I'm going to have no choice but to move because no one will HQ here anymore. Tech employees aren't generally big fans of Republican policies, and tech employers aren't big fans of HQing where they can't find qualified talent.
  16. I bet if you were wherever that particular event was happening and you opened up Grindr, you'd be able to find him. Because that guy is gay. Aren't you non-white? You realize what's going to happen to you if that viewpoint wins out, right?
  17. I've only ever been acquainted with one person who wore that type of mustache before. They later came out as transgender and said the mustache was one of the ways they were hiding before they came out.
  18. Didn't he want to die for the younger generation? Now's his chance!
  19. I'm already thinking hard about where I'd want to move. If they are successful enough with this campaign, maybe I can get my employer to pay my moving expenses because they want all their employees to GTFO of Texas. I wouldn't hate that, selfishly. But in the mean time, I know a whole bunch of Republicans who are not on board with this kind of thing, but are going to keep voting for it because they are just never made aware that this kind of stuff is what they are voting for. My big question is, how do we change that? How does this message make it into the public consciousness the same way that Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster did?
  20. That's my biggest hope for the future. I'm hoping that a whole bunch of these Trump supporters will go right back to not voting as soon as Trump isn't on the ballot. Since it is so hard to predict who amongst my colleagues might be a Trump supporter without knowing their vaccination status, I've quit reminding people to vote. Well, I wasn't reminding people to vote before this either because I don't want to encourage people to vote who might cancel out my vote, but it's especially true now. If i don't know for sure you are voting the same way I am, then you won't ever hear me remind you to vote.
  21. I dunno, it's giving me Blair Witch vibes. Credibility due to shitty camera angles and editing.
  22. I dunno, it's giving me Blair Witch vibes. Credibility due to shitty camera angles and editing.
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