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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. So it’s fitting that the only way a Republican can win the speaker race is to get less people to vote.
  2. Not a soul in that building knew how to dance.
  3. Unless those people switch parties. A pitch could be made that they don't want their legacy to be tied to this shitheel party, and they'll have 2 years (and Dem money) to convince the voters to keep them in place with the new letter beside their name.
  4. I've read in the past that if the third or fourth ballot doesn't do the trick in any given day, they usually adjourn for the day and try again tomorrow. Presumably, this gives the candidates time to go whip votes or whatever. Can't answer the first question.
  5. So did McCarthy while it was happening. Scalise seemed to forget about the terrorism when he was yelling about the raid on the spray tan palace down in Florida where they found all those classified documents.
  6. Yep I still go to that Slaughter/Manchaca HEB because they have a spice blend that's awesome that isn't carried at my brand new HEB on south congress/slaughter. And neither of them carry tamales of the caliber of my local Fiesta.
  7. That depends on how long it's been since his last wax appointment.
  8. I'm pretty sure Scalise is in that pedophile/gym jordan crowd.
  9. Yeah Hayden and I used to live close enough that we shopped at the same grocery store. I'm still in the same zip code but further east. As a result of moving east by 3/4 a mile, I'm actually represented by Doggett. Of course Doggett was my rep when I moved to Austin (or shortly after) because back then Austin just had 1 rep. They didn't gerrymander the place up until they did that mid cycle redistricting so they could fuck up the Dems.
  10. They like Gym for the same reason the morons like Trump. "He's dumb, just like me!"
  11. I guess my high school classmate that collapsed and died during football practice due to a heart problem in 1987 should've been more careful about what COVID vaccines he took.
  12. I don't know what they are saying. But I can say this, as a 100% gay American, she is incredibly good looking. If it was anyone else besides that goon talking to her, I'd suspect he's there just to ogle her tits or something, but she's way too old for him.
  13. Surly gays only bang 10's. It's our lot in life. We do it so you don't have to. Etc. Etc. Having said that, I would bang that supposed husband of his.
  14. Just like with everything else, the boomers just wanted to take that much extra and leave the rest of us with scraps. That's why they got 18 years and the rest of us only get 15.
  15. Did we ever figure out what Q-plus 37-30 means?
  16. Jesus Christ, now I know why I skipped leg day.
  17. Maybe not racist, but he did interrupt television during the Iraq war, not to give us a war update, but to make sure we all understood that he hated the gays and was asking for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. That happened in February, 2004. Reagan had left him some pretty big footprints to follow in that regard though, so it wasn't like he was plowing virgin fields.
  18. I mean, you keep working that logic puzzle and there should be something that becomes obvious. Maybe stay with it a few more minutes.
  19. So am I right in my understanding that the party of freedom and personal responsibility wants to ban porn? If you don’t like it motherfucker then take some personal responsibility and give it up. it’s the party of turning a me problem into a you problem. Fuck them in the face on film.
  20. Was this the kid he disowned for being trans or some other kid?
  21. Closer to home, I remember when we had to find creative ways to talk about the Shag at Hornfans because despite having their blessing, it was a bannable offense to bring it up. Except decaffeinated. What kind of psychopath would actually drink caffeine free diet coke?
  22. Well he didn't tell us where hunter biden's dick is, so all is ok.
  23. I've been to that show in the past. It's really just this guy in SA really likes drag shows so he pays to fly a bunch of them in every year and sells tickets to recoup the costs. I don't remember seeing any kids at these shows, but I wasn't exactly looking for kids either. I do know for sure I've never seen a single protester at these events in the past. This is a wholly manufactured controversy. I continue to be shocked at how easily manipulated people who call themselves conservative are.
  24. I don't know if you are aware, but it's actually illegal to ask prospective employees about their relationship status when you are courting them for a potential job. So no, it's not at all shocking that they didn't go down this rabbit hole. Neither the size of the paycheck nor the name of the employer for that potential job changes that at all. Nor does having a contract associated with it. And if you are in Texas, just so you know, you have that clause in your employment as well, it's likely sitting in an employee handbook you ignored.
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