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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Forgot how much I love watching the Horns when they actually have a good QB. It’s been way fucking too long!
  2. I mean if it wasn’t for the overalls, which by the way are a natural gay repellant, I’d say he’s getting fucked rabbit style by someone off screen. But no self respecting gay would be caught dead within 69 feet of a man in overalls. So I’m flummoxed by what I’m seeing in that video. No logical explanation that I can see.
  3. Well, they are all lactose intolerant milkmen. So what you are seeing is them lifting their leg to get a bit more oomph into letting the gas out. They are claiming something about narrow steps and traditions, but no. The fine print of the application even says you have to be lactose intolerant and drink at least 2 pints of milk before every pep rally if you want to be an aggy cheerleader.
  4. Aren't you mischaracterizing what he actually said? You being characterized as nonplussed if nothing happens seems awful close to your quoted "I wouldn't be surprised terribly by (acquittal), or even a complete lack of indictment." It's not exactly the same, but I don't think the gulf between "nonplussed" and "not surprised terribly" is so big that you could call it a mischaracterization. ETA: I'm doing the semantics thing here, though I'm mostly on your side of this argument. I don't think the things the judge is doing really has any affect on the outcome at this point because the important bits have already been released to the government. And I think your analysis has been helpful, so despite the fact I'm giving you shit, I'd like to ask you to keep it up.
  5. They won't find much of that where they are looking I suspect. Bluster isn't the same as alpha.
  6. If you want a super sweet Netflix series, watch Heartstopper. It might give you the betus though.
  7. Recovering band dorks, man. Saxophone was a great tool for finding ass back in the 80's though, so no ragrats.
  8. I mean that might be true, if they have super dumb computers over at aggy. That actually would explain some things, so yeah they probably can't figure it out with computers over there. But in reality it's just blocks or people making planned 45 and 90 degree turns. We learned to do it as a group of 95 12 and 13 year olds with just one west Texas band director telling us what to do. It was not hard. At all.
  9. In junior high I was in the marching band at my school. Our band director had us play the aggy war hymn. I protested vehemently and he told me he would've had us play something from Tech or UT but those songs were too hard for a bunch of second year band students. We also marched like aggy, he said it was way easier to march that way than the more advanced designs and patterns the other college bands did. As I got older and did more difficult songs and marches, I came to understand that he wasn't bullshitting even a little bit.
  10. So question...How does one get to the point that they need a fucking rascal to get around, and they are like "yeah this is fine, I've eaten so much I can't walk anymore, pass the fried chicken." I don't get it.
  11. Overly complex to run, overly simple to stop.
  12. I started to take offense to this, then realized that I'm forced to watch The Crown and The Queen and all the other bullshit royals shows on PBS because I didn't think things through and married a gay. Will was a good looking kid that aged POORLY and Harry was a homely kid that aged HOTLY. Of all the shit that I've been required to sit through about the royal family over the years, this is the only thing that I've really been able to take away from it. Oh that, and my first thought when she died was, "Damn I guess she's going to miss the next season of The Crown."
  13. I mean, it's clear he knows that's his job and chooses just not do that part of it.
  14. So how did you not realize he was playing hurt? That severe limp and Karate Kid stance when he was just standing there waiting for the play call didn't tip you off?
  15. No self respecting fags would be caught dead looking like that in public. Y'all can keep those idiots. Us homos are going to keep it stylish. Also, obligatory: x, x, x
  16. Hmm, some gays like a hairy ass crack. But there are really good waxing products in case you get groomed by someone that doesn't. So either way you are in the clear!
  17. Every time I see him talk I'm sad that Crackhead Bob had a stroke that eventually killed him and this guy is still out there grifting away. Crackhead Bob was a way better crackhead than this chucklefuck.
  18. Yeah, they do this when they call these deplorables cocksuckers too. The fucking white straight guys always trying to turn the people they don't like into gay people so they don't have to claim them. We don't want to claim these people either, motherfuckers! Down with the patriarchy!
  19. Point me to the place where anyone here is claiming that Trump supporters won't resort to violence. I must have that poster on ignore, because I see a pretty universal theme running here that not only acknowledges that possibility, but that agrees that it's already fucking happened. So wtf are you talking about man?
  20. It means he didn't understand the rules. I have student loans that won't be forgiven because I make too much fucking money. As do the people he's trying to claim are getting special help. The "elites" aren't getting a bailout. That already happened with the PPP loans.
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