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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by gurt

  1. With big tech, they are all still at a higher headcount post layoffs than they were at end of 2021. There was just way too much over hiring happening across the industry, led by the big boys.
  2. Does anyone want to actually mention the name of the fat actor?
  3. God damn, get a hobby, take up woodworking or something.
  4. isn't it just due to the percent increase? If we were already at 4% before these hikes a 12.5% increase wouldn't have been felt. But going from .5% to 4.5% is impossible to not have ramifications.
  5. we had some hail down in Buda
  6. is @phdhorn still taking forecast requests? We've planned to be camping this saturday into sunday at Meridian state park. Forecast calls for 'scattered thunderstorms', should we cancel or does it seem like we'll just be getting short lived stuff that we should bear with? its a group of people (moms with toddlers) without much stomach for dealing with weather...
  7. I'm ashamed at how young I was when I first started on these God-forsaken boards...
  8. definitely not this guy https://247sports.com/player/calen-bullock-46081272/
  9. they wouldn't have to be 50/50 deep balls if we could actually hit him in stride...
  10. Anybody choosing a lambo over Ferrari has bad taste and was never cool
  11. This is where I stand. By pure talent, he is the best RB since Ricky, followed by Jamaal. Cedric had great production over his 4 years and could really batter teams with his physicality, but Bijan's ability to cut is up there with some of the best of all time.
  12. Just got back from watching at my mother in laws. Bittersweet moment seeing her choke up as they won, knowing nothing would’ve made her husband happier than seeing this. Watching this team has been a real bonding experience for us over the last month as we’ve navigated moving on with our lives, especially for my MIL. Hell, we watched all 18 innings together the evening after the funeral. To spend so much time together rooting on the Astros is something I’ll always cherish.
  13. This postseason has become more sentimental for me and my wife's family. My father in law is the biggest Astros fan I know. He watches every game without fail, even DVRing them if he can't watch live and catching up the next day. And I'd better not tell him the score and ruin it. He's been a fan since the Ryan Express days, and still wears his 1986 NLCS shirt and talks about how his cousin Bill Worrell would get him into the Astrodome for free. He also had Muscular Dystrophy, and over the last few years his slow decline had resulted in him being wheelchair bound. In late September, he and my MIL were out in New Mexico at their family land when he had a stroke and had to be air lifted to Albuquerque. It was deemed minor, and we believed we were on the path to rehab and recovery, but complications due to his swallowing muscles not working caused him to be unable to eat and resulted in pneumonia. We ended up having to make the incredibly difficult decision to put him on palliative care, as he had no way to get nutrients and he would never regain the function of his epiglottis to prevent food and liquids from getting into his lungs. He passed away peacefully in his sleep on October 9th. One of the last things we were able to do with him in the hospital was watch baseball. His speech was all gibberish due to the stroke, but he was trying to tell us a story about one of the Astros players, but even though I named them all he kept shaking his head. Since he passed, watching the Astros has taken on more meaning for us, almost like a memorial to him. As all the funeral arrangements were made, and various family came into town, we always made sure to have the games on, as this postseason has taken on new meaning. Let's go Astros, win it for Randy!
  14. One thing I've considered, when you have this 'death by 1000 cuts' defense it really forces your offense to be hyper-efficient. In the Tech and ISU games, they're going on these 15 play drives, chewing up 5+ minutes of game clock. It makes it where if your O doesn't respond in kind, you're looking at an entire quarter gone and you've touched the ball once. Not to mention it demoralizes your D and the O gets cold/out of sync. Sometimes I wish they'd just be more aggressive and be feast or famine, but I'm sure I'll have holes poked in this theory.
  15. My mortgage is with Loan Depot. Safe to assume that if they declare bankruptcy the loan is discharged? Should I stop making payments now?
  16. Yes, to expand on this thought, this is something I have been noticing as someone involved with UT students in a regular way. The kids that are serious are serious in a way that my cohort (late aughts-early tens) were not. I think the competitiveness of high schools and college admissions, combined with the economic situation they will be thrust into has caused them to really think about their future and plan out how they are going to be successful. No more just going with the flow and figuring it out as you go. Of course this has created an environment where only the strong survive. If you don't have everything figured out by the time you are 21 you are behind the 8 ball and might never get yourself to a point where you can own a home or have financial independence. No more finding yourself in your 20s and still getting a decent paying career and buying a home in your 30s. I think my generation was the last to be able to do that.
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