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Everything posted by gmr548

  1. Me: Joseph needs to go! *Terry Joseph to LSU rumor* Me: No not like that! I’d prefer him not land at LSU just because of his LA recruiting ties. It’s on the very short list of places he could land that make me think twice about losing him. But still kind of agree in spite of that.
  2. If he’s an elite recruiter that definitely makes more sense. Can never have enough of that.
  3. Arch could definitely end up the better QB. It is unlikely he would be better next year; and if the staff thought he would be and wanted to go that route, Ewers would be declaring. If this was two years ago then sure roll with Arch. Texas has a legitimate SEC championship/playoff run window open into next year and hopefully at least a couple years beyond that though. This goes back to everyone coping with a somewhat underwhelming 2022 by saying “this is the year before the year.” It turns out that was right. I know we’re not used to this as a fan base anymore but the fact is Texas has entered win now mode and decisions need to be made accordingly. I agree that we definitely should not overblow any of that, but I think where it comes into play is where you alluded to his peers - his last name is the reason we’re having this conversation at all and the reason comparing him to his peers is simply not apples to apples.
  4. This is the first season in a long time where I wasn’t honestly ready for an eight month break from Texas football by the end of it. Going to be a very long offseason I’m sure but already looking forward to 2024.
  5. Peyton also was going to sit at Tennessee if not for an injury disaster. Archie Manning had 17 INTs in 10 games his first year as a starter. Both uncles took extra years in college. I think people are really overblowing the “omg Arch is going to leave if he doesn’t play early” bit based on everything he and his family have said/done to this point. Arch and family know the long term value of development in college and want to make sure he’s set up optimally for long term NFL success. The Mannings are also, uh, not poor. This is not a first generation D1 athlete trying to get to a pro contract ASAP. If he’s having fun in college and feels like he’s growing as a player working under Sark there’s no reason to rock the boat.
  6. Bo Davis is among the best in the business and his replacement would almost certainly be a downgrade. That alone kind of sucks but he’s also been instrumental in rebuilding the culture of the program by all accounts. I’d be very disappointed to lose him but as you and others have been mentioned, it would be more of a pull to LSU than anything Texas did or didn’t do. Not much you can do about that. Hopefully it doesn’t come to pass. I didn’t know the name Johnny Nansen until now. Kind of an odd resume bouncing between DL, LB, and RB coaching. Seems a little comfort hire-y at first glance to be honest but I’d love to be corrected on that. Just at the surface level Arizona’s defense appears to have improved quite a bit from 2022 to 23 though, so there’s that. Better than Mike Stoops at least.
  7. It’s just the hype - both that surrounding Ewers and people having extremely high expectations for him and of course that surrounding Manning. Texas lost two games this year, both to sixth year QBs qualified to coach their offensive systems at this point. Consider that, consider the QB carousel this program has experienced in the not so recent past, and it’s incredibly dumb to be calling for Ewers to be pushed out. Experience at QB is extremely valuable. It would be one thing if Ewers was some no talent scrub but that is far from the case. If you want to compete for any kind of championship next season you want him back, period.
  8. This game, both in a macro matchup sense (defending the Washington passing game) and how it actually played out in terms of game script (multiple fourth quarter red zone opportunities) challenged Texas to be better than they have been all year and overcome what had consistently been weaknesses. They simply weren’t good enough. It stung but even in moment was predictable. This was a really good team that was a lot of fun to watch and brought home a conference championship that will be savored until Texas stops playing college football. They just weren’t a national championship caliber team and that’s okay.
  9. Ewers would absolutely benefit from another year in college, especially in Sark’s offense. I don’t think anyone has seriously claimed otherwise. He’d get eaten alive on an NFL field right now. Ewers however has been financially motivated his whole career (that’s not a value judgment) and the allure of an NFL contract, even a second or third round deal, is hard to pass up even if the extra year potentially vaults him into the first round. Also, it only takes one team to fall in love and the NFL has always loved a white boy that can spin it against air. Further, there’s the angle that it’s not entirely up to Ewers in the sense that the staff would put a thumb on the scale if they felt like Ewers returning would cost them Arch Manning. That does not seem to be the case based on anything I’ve seen but it’s out there in the speculation.
  10. Broughton should be back. He has a COVID year and would barely be a UDFA at this point.
  11. Honestly I forgot he had eligibility left. Sneaky COVID years still out there. I do feel for a kid who has put four years in and meets that end but I hope it’s true. He is maxed out, not a pro prospect, and the safety position badly needs an upgrade. Collins played pretty well this year. I assume he got the “look at Sweat/Coburn” sell and will be in the first rotation. If he works and plays with the contract year motivation Sweat did he could definitely be an all SEC type and make himself some money. He’s two years older and wiser, and probably has an easier time accepting that his pro prospects are likely better at S than CB. At least that’s the narrative I’m running with if that ultimately comes to fruition.
  12. Easily number one home and home series I want to see Texas play. Yes please to a football trip to Seattle in September. Our AD clearly hates us booking trips to Ohio, Georgia, Florida, and Arizona (yes I realize the middle two are off the books), all of which are varying degrees of shitty and hot.
  13. I see. My memory is hazy. Thanks to Michigan for playing school too hard.
  14. lol shut up He wasn’t watching the game on TV. It takes a second to realize the ball is out from where he was. The ball was lost between the bodies of three guys. Washington players are standing around too. Gunner Helm is closer and stands there the entire time while Worthy tries to get into the pile but I don’t see you bitching about Helm. It was loose on the ground there for a moment, I wish he had executed the recovery better, but that’s not exactly something WRs practice.
  15. Well, off the top of my head Texas has no Sweat, Jones, or Whittington so it’s a two-way street. Michigan doesn’t look like such a dumpster fire and maybe Worthy sticks with them. Hell, Tom Herman goes 10-3 and might not get fired.
  16. Well that seems consistent with current aggy strategy
  17. Yeah I think you basically take best available DB at this point. If that’s a corner then cool. Move Austin Jordan to safety where he belongs
  18. I don’t understand how we as a fanbase cannot understand the value of experience at QB given we’ve witnessed since 2010
  19. Uh, I said goodbye to friends and cleaned up the remnants of our little watch party. This morning I was slow to log on for work because my head hurt and I was tired from a few too many beers and shitty sleep, but I got there eventually. I’ve wasted time posting on Surly. There’s not much to deal with. Ran into a really good team in their own right that happened to be an atrocious matchup. If Penix and Co abusing the Texas defense in route to victory wasn’t on your radar of possible outcomes then either remove the burnt orange shades or pay more attention. Texas won the Big 12 and competed for a national championship, they exceeded my preseason expectations by a significant margin and it was a really fun year. Last night was house money honestly. The OU loss lingered in my mind much longer and more intensely (and still does to an extent). You can actually feel excitement for the future without ODing on a ridiculous degree of Kool Aid. That takes the edge off.
  20. If Brooks leaves there is a compelling argument Blue is the best RB on the roster. I did not expect to type any part of that sentence at the end of this season. Tashard Choice is a witch.
  21. Y’all responding in agreement to this are making me think I’m crazy. This seems like bait from a texags user fantasizing about past Texas failures. Texas went 12-2 and won the Big 12 going away (literally and figuratively). First Texas team to win any hardware in 14 years. Qualified for the CFP and was a top four team any way you slice it. Will probably finish top 3 in the AP poll. Put up a 10 point road win against Nick Saban’s SEC champion Alabama. That is what this group will be remembered for, not what could have been. They lost a national semifinal game as a 4 point favorite, where a lot of people (accurately as it turns out) outside of Texas fans/media thought the wrong team was favored. Oh well. This is nothing like 2001 Colorado. Good lord. If 01 Texas had beaten Colorado again and got wrecked by an all time Miami team, would re remember that as a failure or tip the cap and be proud of the conference championship? Honestly purely on the morning after scale last night is not even the most frustrating loss this year. OU was way harder to swallow.
  22. That good lines exist outside of the SEC and always have? I wouldn’t think much about it. I also don’t think Washington won the LOS handily. They won in a critical area - pass blocking - and that was the single most important subset of the LOS battle given what Washington was bringing in terms of passing offense and what Texas was bringing in the back end. Texas defended the run well, ran the ball very well (not enough most would say), and while Washington did get home a couple times it’s not like Ewers was running for his life all night.
  23. The only two teams that have run through the SEC at consistent 10+ win clips are Bama and Georgia. Recruiting at a top 5-10 level hasn’t stopped A&M or LSU from failing to hit that mark plenty of times. Especially adding a ninth league game (I’m assuming this happens here in the next couple years), when these elite recruiting programs are going to play each other more often and simple math tells you there’s more Ls to go around, I would not expect to be the Bama and Georgia of recent history. That much more so with the likes of Ohio State and Michigan on non conference schedules, and I’m sure more upper tier programs to come. If you expect consistent 10-win seasons that’s great but that’s on you when you’re disappointed. And that’s okay The sport is changing man. 9-3 is going to be a coin flip for a playoff appearance. If one of those Ls is to a marquee OOC opponent you’re in the mix for a CCG spot. Competing for championships is the bar for me.
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