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Everything posted by gmr548

  1. It’s hard to say for sure because there’s so little data but just looking at political trends it does seem like AZ, GA, and NC are doing more of the importing of garden variety liberal/moderate folks from NY/CA/wherever that are moving primarily because they seek lower COL. There’s some of that in TX because people can find good jobs here, but TX and FL seem to be more beacons for disaffected Republicans. FL especially with their weaker economy, they are importing true believers.
  2. Beto smashed turnout expectations in 2018 and Republicans came out of the woodwork to match. There are Republicans who don’t vote here because they view it as pointless just like Democrats. Polls routinely get decently accurate results from a few hundred or a thousand likely voters. Half of eligible voters showing up is a big enough sample size to know where the state stands.
  3. Republicans in Texas continue to brazenly insult their voters’ intelligence by running on “fiscal responsibility,” while among other things refusing free Federal money to reduce the state’s nation-leading number of uninsured adults and children. It’s maddening, but you also kind of have to laugh because it’s been proven that they made the correct bet on voters being too dumb to catch them.
  4. Do you think there might be something a bit different about the situation the team is currently in than in years past that might prompt that change?
  5. This really is the biggest thing. Specifically development. The talking point is that Herman didn’t recruit any talent in the trenches but on this conference champion and CFP team, 3/5 OL starters, 3/4 DL starters, and 2 additional DL rotation guys are Herman recruits a full three seasons after he left. This group includes an Outland trophy winner/All American/B12 DPOY, the B12 DL of the year, and 4 x All B12 honorable mentions. He also recruited two NFL draft picks on the DL from last year. Sark added to the mix by infusing the OL with high end talent in Banks and Campbell but the talent was there when he got here. It needed some work and some time. What he did to unlock it that Herman didn’t was bring in coaches with established, strong track records of turning potential into production, and who know what it takes to not just consistently win but compete for championships. The development we’ve seen under this staff is the most impressive thing they have done and the biggest reason they broke through this year.
  6. You’re second in line right after the Auburn guy’s wife it seems
  7. Abbott is such a dogshit human being. Donald Trump, Dan Patrick, aggy… most of them are that stupid. In some small sense you pity them rather than hold them in contempt because they’ve just been taken advantage of. Greg Abbott is not and it comes out now then. I’m sure he believes his own bullshit to a degree after drinking the kool aid for so long but he knows exactly what he’s doing. Truly a vile man. Ted Cruz is the same way.
  8. Allowed? These guys have been winning by large margins. Abbott has never won by less than 11 percentage points. We are not just allowing it. Collectively, this is what Texas is.
  9. It’s not apples to apples but by the time game day rolled around for the Sugar Bowl against UGA, I felt like a dumbass for paying face through LHF. Could have done much better buying on game day or the day before. Nothing like today but there was still a decent bit of excitement on the Texas side for that game, and playing a bigger, closer, albeit disappointed fanbase. I’d expect the prices to continue to fall because these games are tougher for people to just hit on a whim with little notice.
  10. Could use one more interior DL. Might as well be a 5 star flip from aggy at this point.
  11. We’re talking in circles around this game because there’s a month to do so but your middle paragraph is the bottom line. Both teams have impressive bodies of work and are elite at what they do well; they are also both well equipped to exploit the others’ weaknesses, and have struggled with consistency throughout the year. Add a month layoff and two of the best offensive coaches in the game to that and we really have no idea what we are going to see. As is usually the case with games like this, whoever takes care of the ball better and makes fewer mental/execution errors will likely win. Beyond that, we’ll find out on Jan 1. The only thing in confident of is wild overreaction to the first series.
  12. Aren’t you the guy that wrote dissertations about the genius of the Tom Herman offense?
  13. LT jumped early on that fourth down. Philly should be kicking a FG right now. That’s an atrocious missed call
  14. I'd love to go back to the regionalism of yesteryear as much as anyone but that ship has frankly sailed with the amount of TV and NIL money in the sport. Money is the number one factor at the administrative level as well as for the talent on the field. There is no going back. What I hope we get to is the top however many schools forming their own NFL lite super league and competing in a separate division, essentially autonomous from the NCAA or at least governed with their own set of rules, and we can get back to sensible conferences for the rest of the sport. As dumb as it is that Washington, Oregon, USC, and UCLA will be playing conference football games against Penn State, Rutgers, Maryland, and Ohio State; Cal and Stanford will be playing conference football games against Syracuse and Georgia Tech; and Utah, Arizona, and Arizona State are playing UCF and West Virginia... it is orders of magnitude dumber that those are now conference games in more schedule/travel intensive non revenue sports. It's one thing to acknowledge, implicitly or explicitly, that football is purely about money now, but the latest round of realignment will really fuck with non-revenue sports where athletes are actually students. Let the cash cow that is football fund a good experience for students, alumni, and fans of the rest of college athletics.
  15. No kids, not yet anyway. Looking into rents and home prices, Tacoma seems more or less on par with the Heights and similarly desirable neighborhoods in Houston. Higher cost/sf but frankly the utility of additional space really starts to taper off pretty quick with it just being just the two of us. We would have way more options to buy in Tacoma, whereas in Seattle we’d only be talking entry level condos or smaller townhomes. Can afford rent in either one and would most likely look to rent initially for the flexibility anyway. Definitely don’t have a bad impression of the place, it wasn’t really on my radar initially just given where we’ve spent our time up there and where my SIL lives, but I’m finding it pretty easy to talk myself into it. It may be a little small/sleepy for our taste but it might be a better value prop than Seattle proper, and fuck them suburbs. That sense of character seems to be a recurring theme and coming from Houston that is honestly is appealing. Houston has a similar lack of polish and it’s one of the more endearing things about the city (except when it starts manifesting into actual dysfunction). Seattle is great overall but it is definitely more analogous to Austin with both having a massive influx of tech money and the degree of cultural sterilization that comes with that.
  16. Bumping to solicit intel from locals/formal locals/frequent visitors. We've been to Seattle before, granted in the summer, and my wife's sister lived in Seattle for a little while and is now on the east side. We're kicking around leaving Texas for several reasons and the Seattle area is at the top of the list. Wife is currently interviewing for promising a job in that would potentially base her out of... Tacoma, which we're not as familiar with. Might still opt to live in Seattle depending on the specific working arrangement; but commuting from Seattle to Pierce County more than like once, maybe twice a week is probably a pass for her, understandably. Looking at going up and visiting for a long weekend next month to experience the short, dark days and get some time on the ground in Tacoma. My read from perusing the local subreddits is and the like that Tacoma is absolutely still rougher around the edges with more crime than Seattle, but also more diverse and has cleaned up quite a bit from the 80's-90's. More affordable than Seattle, although it's experienced rapid housing cost increases as well. Dining scene obviously smaller than Seattle but seems to be okay for what it is. Easy enough to get to Seattle or the east side on the weekends if needed. Seems like the greater North End is where you want to be, in general. Anyone have any reason to dispute that, or anything to add? And any Tacoma food/drink recs for visitors?
  17. No, I am basically only sensitive to schedule and price, in that order. I live in Houston and United/Southwest are typically the only two competitive options on that front unless I am going to someone else's hub. For what it's worth I've had pretty solid experience with United the past couple years. Prior to that Delta had been the best airline in my experience but United seems to be competing to be the least shitty. Knock on wood as I have a couple bookings with them early next year.
  18. Tell me you post on texags without telling me you post on texags
  19. No, not even that. Like I said, I don't pretend to understand the full experience of parenthood, the emotional, psychological, and social aspects. He seems to believe that if you haven't bought groceries for three, four, or five instead of two; traded up for a minivan; upped your health insurance to the family plan; or paid for select soccer that you couldn't possibly... Do the basic math required to understand the financial implications of having children. The only real reason to think that is some monumental feat is if it is for you, yourself. It's really a hilarious self own in a roundabout way.
  20. I don't pretend to understand all of parenthood but you can understand it from a personal financial/economic standpoint, which is what is being discussed here. The math isn't really hard to grasp. Has it ever occurred to you or @Poe It Up that a lot of people without kids don't have them because they understand the level of commitment required, financially and beyond? I can't speak for you, but for Poe apparently not because he is a Texags-grade moron who lacks the ability to conceptualize anything he has not personally experienced.
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