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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. They have recruited extremely well. Only so many players can play. I'm sure that it's an eye-opening experience for somebody who was a five-star recruit to go in and realize he's going to sit for two years while some other five-star recruit who came before him is on the field. As long as they keep replacing them with five-star recruits, they're golden. If that falls off, so will they.
  2. Apparently, Rudy and his legal team weren't even speaking to one another toward the end of the trial, their backs turned to one another.
  3. Always take your drinking advice from a Scotsman. This rule has seved me well over the years.
  4. 54 months for 36 year old Thomas John Ballard, who apparently doesn't believe in democracy or the will of the people but believed, rather, that his vote counted more than mine. And, because Thomas Ballard was unable to accept the results of democracy in action, he decided to take matters into his own hands. It was a series of poor choices on his part. Why he believes what he believes --- who can say? Oh ... I know who! Alex Jones! "Ballard wore a baseball cap that said “Infowars” and, at times, a gas mask when “he joined the mob storming the U.S. Capitol,” federal authorities said in the release. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article283052458.html?taid=657b9e55b74c7400016e4c5f
  5. Back in the early 70s I slept with a woman who was an education major at SWT, so this hits close to home.
  6. Well if there ever was an expert on stock market crashes it would be a man who was president when the Dow lost one third of its value.
  7. No shit, if Poe's having problems making money in THIS economy, Poe's got problems bigger problems than most of us imagine ---- and I can imagine some pretty big problems.
  8. Buddy told me he paid 1.99 per gallon in Port Lavaca yesterday.
  9. Vanity Fair: Ted Cruz is a cowardly weasel who won't answer questions regarding what's going on with Kate Cox and the state of Texas trying to dictate the terms of her being a womb bearer: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/ted-cruz-kate-cox-texas-abortion Of course, Ted sponsored/supported the legislation and judicial activism that led to this. Cornyn is no better. He refuses to weigh in. Fucking cowards, both of them.
  10. Lagway appears to be solid Gator after his Aggie in-home.
  11. Yes they are. My gf is a gorgeous Dutch woman. The Dutch women and the women from the Baltics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) are tied for the most beautiful women per capita on the planet. I think Riga, Latvia has the most insanely amount of gorgeous women per capita but Vilnius, Talinn, Amsterdam etc... are right there.
  12. Moffitt is actually excellent. I've watched some of his online strength clinics. This was a good get by Elko.
  13. As good as those stupid fucks are at organizing shit like T-shirt sales, you'd think that organizing a halfway decent football team in an area adjacent to Houston and East Texas as an SEC brand would be something they could do at least every once in a while. It's like some sort of cosmic joke on them. They've got every advantage imaginable and can't even accidentally stumble on success.
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