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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. I read the article and thought that, although its thesis is obvious, it was even-handed. Specifically, what did the article get wrong?
  2. Adam Kinzinger on Trump's aroma: “It’s not good. The best way to describe it... take armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup and put that all in a blender and bottle that as a cologne. That’s kind of it. I’ve been amazed that everybody is just kind of learning about this now."
  3. The fact that Jared Woodfill (a former GOP county party chair) is not only running for State Representative but is likely to be the GOP nominee pretty much tells me what the Texas GOP values. And Jared Woodfill took this money at the same time he was a prominent anti-LGBTQ activist? What a fucking hypocrite. Jared Woodfill covered up Pressler's sexual abuse of young boys for in exchange for money and political connections. That's morally and ethically reprehensible.
  4. Christie should be the Republican nominee. He's the most capable.
  5. Holy shit. I live in a world in which I agree with Chris Christie, a world in which Chris Christie is making sense.
  6. Translation: I sucked so bad representing my current district that there's no way in hell they'll re-elect me, so I'm going to go and grift elsewhere.
  7. Those guys who got 22 or whatever? Their vote counts just as much as yours. Regarding Terry Bussey: does his running/body style remind anybody of Nathan Vasher?
  8. After I took the ASVAB, I got checks from the Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard, Texas National Guard, DPS, the Texas County Sheriff's Association, the Candy Stripers and the Junior League and each one of them came with a note saying they could only be cashed under the condition that I agree to never apply for that branch of the service. That's how I ended up on Shaggy/Surly horns. They were the only ones who would take me.
  9. He had four years to do it and didn't even try. On the other hand who doesn't like being happy instead of sad?
  10. Biden should blast him over and over again. "What's he afraid of?" "America has had four years of both of us. He's afraid to compare our economic records!" etc.... I mean, it's the easiest, most direct, low-hanging fruit there is. If there is a debate, I hope the moderator asks: Mr. Trump, for four years you've said the last election was stolen, will you cite the specific evidence you have for that position? Just flat out. Make him produce the exact evidence on the spot. He can't.
  11. You know how Biden could win the election? During the debates, have one of the questions be a "plant" by one of the questioners. The question: "Mr. Trump and President Biden, Americans consistently say that one of their chief concerns about this election is your ages. Both of you contend that you are fitter than your opponent. Knowing that an inability to stand still is one of the early-warning signs of dementia, will both of you would step out from behind the podium, stand next to one another, close your eyes, and stand there without touching or holding on to anything for 30 seconds?" Biden, knowing the question is coming, would have practiced. Plus he'll have taken half a valium. Trump will panic, knowing that he can't do it. He'll either have to decline to do it, at which point everybody says "what's the big manly man so afraid of?" or he'll have to do it and his dementia unsteadiness will be exaggerated by his nervousness. He'll be swaying like I used to coming out of Maggie Mae's at two a.m.
  12. Sark gambled and came up big. If Texas wins it all ... holy shit.
  13. So Texas has four 5-star players and is currently third in the team rankings. If we flip one or both of Bussey or McKinley where will we be ranked?
  14. Slocum's Razor: if you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, and one of them is snot-slinging' stupid, Aggies will prefer that idea every time.
  15. I get that, but that's not the issue. The issue is the xenophobia to which it contributes, plus the republican-on-republican violence!
  16. More GQP on GQP violence. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Most people: Merry Christmas! Peace on Earth! Goodwill toward men! These assholes: Deck the halls with Xenophobia fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
  17. What I want to know is why did the hospital call the law? Isn't that a HIPAA violation? What, a nurse calls the cops and says "we got a miscarriage you should search her toilet?" How does that happen?
  18. And it's all being financed by a few West Texas billionaires because the supreme court gave them cart blanche to buy politicians. Dan Patrick got THREE MILLION DOLLARS from a pro-Paxton group in June as he was presiding over Paxton's trial. It's naked corruption.
  19. Woman in Ohio miscarries, is charges with felony after police search her toilet: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-woman-ohio-was-charged-miscarrying-bathroom-experts-warn-dangero-rcna130649?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_blk&taid=6586d9ea4990510001728868 This is happening in 2023.
  20. You may be cool but you'll never be Led-Zeppelin-flying-around-in-their-own-airplane with a fireplace cool.
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