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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. I'll bet we do. We've assumed the Mack Brown position again. If the kid starts looking, so do we ---- and our options are many. I think he had seen all he needs to see, loves Bo Davis, and made a reservation.
  2. Of course, Trump is too dumb to know that the deadline to file for Chip's office was 10 days ago. Still, I hope Trump keeps it up. Chip would have to endure attacks from the Dems AND the MAGA folks. Might be enough to dissuade some Republican voters from voting for him.
  3. We should make a list of these fucks. Chad Prather is another. Born in New Jersey. A freakin' comedian (what is it with comedians, reality TV hosts etc... and these people?), invented a character, bought a pickup truck and is now down here advocating that Texas secede. Meanwhile 6th generation Texans say screw that, Chad.
  4. The fact that we've come to the point where a Republican governor has to go out and state such basic facts in such blunt language is heartbreaking isn't it?
  5. Sounds like she's making the case for the influx of a massive wave of workers. How could that be arranged?
  6. Probably best for his future career that they NOT be giving him the ball. Not even Bijan can unfuck that chicken.
  7. Holy shit that's hilarious. I'm dyin'! Come see us at summer camp ... last year.
  8. No shit. "Klein doesn't have time for social media" ain't gonna fly in this day and age. It's not like A&M doesn't have a whole platoon of people heling him do it. He should be all over that shit right now. The motherfucker isn't but about 35 years old. It's not like you're asking Bronco Naguurski to do it.
  9. Dude is making a ton of money and dresses like a slob when he visits recruits.
  10. Announced at the same time: Xavier Fillisame to Texas and all-conference Trey Jones to Aggieland.
  11. Passed-out San Antonio man sleeps through SWAT standoff around his truck, even when a concussion grenade was detonated. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article282971608.html?taid=657f8b9423db100001f2e191 "Officials say the truck is likely stolen, WOAI reported, and police found what appeared to be drugs inside of it."
  12. Solomon Williams fonged to A&M. https://247sports.com/PlayerInstitution/solomon-williams-at-carrollwood-day-278413/CurrentExpertPredictions/
  13. Let's see .. USC in Los Angeles or A&M with all those weirdos in College Station, Texas. I'm sure that was a hard decision. Ags are saying they want three stars from Kerrville who want to play for A&M anyway, so I'm sure they don't care.
  14. Camar WHO? LJ WHO? Aren't both of those guys backups for SMU now?
  15. That play at 1:13 when he hits the poor LB (# 35)about three times before finally landing on him and then starting to pick him up ... Funny shit.
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