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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. Tangentially, the NRA is having problems
  2. #trumpsmells has been trending on Twitter for the last few days. I'm doing my best to keep it going. Considering his diet and lack of vegetables, it's completely believable. I really do wish a reporter would ask him straight up if he wears adult diapers.
  3. Would an even bigger fuck you to A&M be posting images on Instagram of fishing in the gulf from his giant boat that the Aggies are paying for? He should post them at A&M's game time each week in the fall with things like "Sad to see the Aggies getting beat in Starkville. On the other hand ... GIANT BOAT!" as some young hottie oils his body.
  4. Peter Navarro: They put me in leg irons! PLEASE give me money! His give send go is inadvertently hilarious. https://www.givesendgo.com/navarro
  5. You seek the bravest and finest knights in the land to join you in your court at Scholz Garden? I will join in this holy effort!
  6. Born again Christian and former Dukes of Hazzard Star John Schneider, proving there's no hate quite as special as good, old-fashioned Christian hate, apparently threatened the life of Joe Biden. The Secret Service has now opened an investigation of him. Fuck around and find out!
  7. If it's true that Arch Manning made almost 4 times as much not playing for the University of Texas as Brock Burdy (who may win the NFL MVP award) is making for the San Francisco 49ers ... well ... that's a game changer. Anything approaching that kind of money will keep a lot of kids from testing the waters in the NFL draft.
  8. Blowing his one chance at millions of dollars in career earnings because he's got all of these people in his ear who are just using him. Million dollar talent, 10 cent head. How many times have I seen this same story over the last 50 or so years of playing and watching football.
  9. Just got an email from an Aggie friend who said that rumors are that Todd Orlando is going to be the new Aggie DC.
  10. Holy shit. That's a pretty brutal takedown. Republican on Republican violence: you hate to see it but, then again, you love to see it.
  11. If you're McKinley, Bo Davis coaching the Outland trophy winner has got to be something to think about. Plus ... Austin vs. College Station. McKinley's too big a fish to play in a small pond.
  12. I'll have you know that my NTF ---- a digitalized square of the suit that Donald Trump wore at his arraignment --- is expected to increase 400% in value over the next 15 years. Try getting that kind of return at one of your so-called "banks." There's a reason they call them banksters.
  13. It's clear that, with 8 billion people on the planet, the only way we'll survive is via disruptive technologies. Unfortunately, many of those technologies can be used by evil actors as well. Plus, one never knows what impacts one's disruptive technology will ultimately end up having. They could be both good and bad. And then there's the Norman Borlaug conundrum. The Aggies brag about how he was a Noble Prize winner (although he won it 14 years before starting to work at A&M) etc... The Aggies claim he "saved" a billion lives. If that's true, those people have gone on to procreate and to create the 8 billion people that we have now. If the end result of overpopulation is the irrevocable despoiling of the one planet upon which all 8 billion survive, and if that results in the deaths of a billion people or more, what did Borlaug save? As a complete aside, Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive, very secret, technologically-advanced compound on his place in Kauai. Workers have to sign NDAs etc... https://www.wired.com/story/mark-zuckerberg-inside-hawaii-compound/
  14. I can't find the clip now, but I saw some 50-year-olds being interviewed by an undercover "lib" journalist at a Trump rally and he asked this guy and others around him if the economy under Trump was "the best we've ever had," as Trump claims. They all said it was. Mind you, this is just 4-5 years ago and we're talking about things they directly experienced and yet somehow they're brainwashed to believe that the economy was the best we've ever had under him. It's depressing.
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