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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. Biden just needs to send Ben affleck as his chief negotiator.
  2. Wow, two disaster scientists in one picture!!
  3. Obligatory Constanta “was that wrong.gif”
  4. Doit .gif then change all the PlayErs names to aggy player names, and post it on Texags
  5. Amazon deal of the day is lifestraw for $12. That’s as cheap as I’ve seen.
  6. In their defense, they were TRYING to shoot an innocent bystander
  7. Yea man, these hobos squatted in my house. I m not sure why they decided smoke weed and crack next to my collection of antique gasoline tanks... those were worth quite a bit too...
  8. What’s the earnings amount? I’m surly poor so solidly in the 5figs.
  9. Noob question: what is the reason to “back door” into a Roth vs just starting a Roth from scratch. I’d be putting a starter amount in it from my savings then adding a couple hundy a month.
  10. That’s what I did. Fidelity was easy since I already had an account. Went with age based pure index. I wasn’t going to sweat a .01% different here or there going through a shit load of different plans. now I play the waiting game. question: Let’s say my kids don’t go to college, is there such thing as a “boats and hoes” school I can attend later in life?
  11. Trump going to write a book... err pay someone to write it for him... err promise to pay someone but then not pay. Then the library will just be thousands of copies of his own book.
  12. From what I saw the Utah plan no longer has the lowest fees. Utah .165% for age based management. New hampshire: 0.14 Am I reading this correct. Fuck they make this so damn difficult
  13. Am I poor if I’ve never in my life been able to deduct more than the standard deduction? One year we had mortgage interest, property taxes, pmi, estimated sales tax, sales tax on a car, and several thousand in medical bills and even then were still like $50 under the standard deduction.
  14. I for one an glad the irs is going after you dirty tax fraudsters . They need to leave poor hedge funds, politicians and multinational corporations alone!!
  15. Yea I’m tempted to do that one since I already have a fidelity account. One source said Ohio was the best combination of low fees and performance.
  16. Is this shit run through the individual states or through 3rd party vendors? I ask because when I use google ibget a bunch of ads and I get suspicious. I’d rather not go through some third party broker or servicing company if I can go straight to the source.
  17. The article I read mentioned that a 529 can impact financial aid as well and why the Roth was suggested. We are also firmly middle class so my kids will most likely not get too much need based aid anyways.
  18. So what’s the best plan for a dude in TX with kids that will most likely go to a Texas school?
  19. Now I see that you can withdrawal from a Roth IRA penalty free to pay for education. What’s the downside to this? I could have one and my wife could have one to double up the max deposit.
  20. Yea I have a pension and 403b but I’m gonna read that Roth IRA thread too. I’ve kind of already made the decision that I’ll pay for my kids tuition only at a state school level. I’ll chip in the 6-8k a year (or whatever it is by that time) and they can live at home. but if they want to go to live in a dorm or move to NY and go to Columbia then they can get a job.
  21. Well I’ll make a decision by freshman year if they are even college material. If not I might be getting a boat.
  22. Ok. So the last couple years I’ve been able to deduct my wife’s grad school tuition but my quick research shows that expired this year and was capped at $6k. I’ll look into that 529.
  23. Hey that’s why I tell my boss every payday!!
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