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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Yes, there wasn't a ton of talent on defense when Strong walked in. How many first year head coaches walk into a perfect situation? The reason there's an opening is because things have to be fixed.
  2. Matt Rhule took over a Baylor team that had fired the head coach, gone without a head coach for a year with the entire coaching staff committing a mutiny against the administration, had a shit ton of bad character people to run off, and was being ripped apart by every media outlet every day for two years. The entire inner workings of the football program, from trainers to media staff got overturned. in his second year, he got more wins than Strong did in his second year at Texas. In 2016, Kansas won two games. Rhode Island and Texas. Matt Rhule hasn't lost to Kansas. I can't believe you're still trotting out that "empty cupboard" stuff. No, Strong didn't walk into a situation like Lincoln Riley did, but he sure didn't walk into a situation like the guys who took over at Baylor, Penn State, or Kansas. He walked into a situation where he had an 8-5 team that had just played for the conference championship, with no scandals to clean up, and one of the top five brands in college football and he drove it into a ditch. Now, just two years in at South Florida, poor old Charlie's still trying to clean up that 11-2 bowl winning mess Willie Taggart left him. When's the man going to catch a break? If I'm recruiting against Strong, the first thing I'll tell a recruit is, " When you go to the team. bus, look under it and see how many people Charlie's thrown there. Cause it is never going to be Charlie's fault. it's going to be the previous coaching staff and the bad character people on the team. As soon as he clears them out, things will turn around."
  3. I wanted Strong to be successful because he was the Texas head coach. It was apparent he wasn't going to be successful because he was a guy that thought firing the players up and having them go out ready to run through a wall was enough. He wasn't detail oriented, and the team never played smart football. As the movie says, "You're a good dad? Go home and fuck your kid," or something like that. I really don't give a shit if he's a nice guy. Win some fuckin' football games.
  4. I hadn't heard about the robbery. Had heard about the drug dealing.
  5. He got kicked out of Baylor after his sophomore year, and it was too late to enter the supplemental draft. Transferred to Utah, but never played. Went to NFL the next year. Some people have addictive personalities. It's a lot easier for them to have willpower than won't power. Looks like the guy will put in all the work to be successful, but can't lay off the drugs. I've never heard of him doing anything out of line, other than he can't keep his hands off the illegal substances. Anybody else on here heard of anything? If it's just drugs, I feel for the guy, a lot more than I feel for guys who beat up girlfriends/wives or guys like Parrish Cobb.
  6. With 10 minutes gone in the game, South Florida already has 20 yards total offense. Charlie's on course to beat the offensive output against Arkansas in the Texas Bowl.
  7. I thought I was the only one on here who didn't like Ferrell's acting. I made it through Elf until the scene where he lost his shit when he heard Santa was coming. I like some of the old Christmas movies. White Christmas (how could anyone watch Danny Kaye shove off Vera Ellen and not know he was gay?) Miracle on 34th Street Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol Others listed (Scrooged, Die Hard, Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation)
  8. Jeff Fisher. Just call him up at home and tell him he's fired, even though he doesn't have a job.
  9. I haven't seen all of any of them, but watched about twenty minutes of Beauty and the Beast on Netflix. It was like a bad high school production of the original. It was intended to be a star vehicle for Emma Watson, but she can't sing, and at 27, was about ten years older than Belle was supposed to be. The CGI animated characters were horribly designed. I couldn't get over how bad the music came across. It was like listening to Pat Boone do a cover of a Johnny Cash song. Still, it made 1.2 billion worldwide. This looks like another cash grab from Disney. It will be a Will Smith star vehicle, so, for those of you who see it, expect "Fresh Prince of Agraba." I'm out.
  10. I know it's an old line, but user name checks out.
  11. I got one a couple of years ago. They said I was a perfect asshole.
  12. Troof. But also, the ESPN sideline and video people are better and a lot more polite. Whenever I work a game, the ESPN people are professional and competent. The FOX guys are always running through shouting "Get out of the way!" cause they aren't competent enough to get to their locations on time. Their audio guys also will walk directly in front of photographers and just stand there blocking the field. The Fox video people are assholes.
  13. Midnight Cowboy Massage Parlor Hash Brownies Bowl.
  14. I'm not a big fan of Blazing Saddles, but it has some good one liners. I always thought Young Frankenstein was Brooks best movie. Liked the way everyone played it straight. Lots more quotable lines, also. What knockers
  15. Dammit, Rimbo. That article was so interesting I burned quite a bit of time reading it.
  16. Troof, and it's also a self-fulfilling thing. The SEC gets a significant recruiting advantage because the table is tilted towards them. It's also a reason they don't want G5s having legit access to the playoffs. Take UCF, two seasons undefeated, and no way they get in. Even if they got waxed in their first playoff game, recruiting would jump up, just because they were there. The blue bloods don't want that. None of the P5s ever want a four star to see a G5 as a legitimate option.
  17. Adding on, guys who make the throw the flag gesture after getting defensed on a pass, and guys who celebrate like they won the Super Bowl after a first down play. Oh, and Oklahoma and USC having their band play their fanfare after every frikkin play. Teams that ring a bell whenever the other team has a third down.
  18. So many great scenes... "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli." "Tom, can you get me off the hook? For old time's sake?" "Can't do it, Sal." "You come here on my daughter's wedding day..." But I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along."
  19. You're probably right. Hard to find color photos from the 50s. Here's the inaugural Dave Campbell's Texas Football magazine cover with a Longhorn on the front. 1960. The orange is still pretty bright.
  20. Yeppir. This photo is from the fifties, before they started wearing burnt orange. The burnt orange was a DKR thing, and just happened to be the same color as the football, which made it more difficult for other teams to find the football when the Horns were running the wishbone. There have been a lot of color tricks in football, and not just by Texas. O linemen used to wear long sleeve undershirts the same color as the other team's jerseys until that was outlawed. I think some of them still wear white ones for home games. Boise State wears all blue on the smurf turf to make it more difficult for QBs to spot D backs, etc.
  21. Sorry to hear that. I had one about five years ago. Completely recovered now, but it wasn't a picnic. Take care of yourself and prayers for a full recovery.
  22. The entire theme song to the Jetsons is: Meet George Jetson His boy Elroy Daughter Judy Jane, his wife. Somewhere, someone is still getting residuals for that.
  23. I like the showgirls in the background.
  24. ASU QB had been holding onto the ball way too long. You pizza when you should french fry you're gonna have a bad time.
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