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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Mike Renfro, but yeah, it was a bad call. Renfro made the catch, but the refs called it incomplete, claiming they could see he had his feet down, but couldn't tell if he had possession, cause they didn't have position to see his hands.
  2. SIAP, but cool backstory to the Belichick hoodie story. He got pissed because he was required to wear approved NFL apparel on the sidelines (sell NFL merchandise.) So, he got a hoodie, cut off the sleeves and started wearing that. It became a hit, and people started buying the hoodies and cutting the sleeves off.
  3. Brady's been fortunate to have Belichick as a head coach. He also takes a lot less money than he could, although the $15 mil a year ain't chump changeThis year, he made less than Blake Bortles. He knows Belichick will use that money to ID offensive linemen and keep them happy. The most impressive things about him are his attention to detail, and frankly, the fact that he's never gotten bored with winning big games.
  4. Looks like the Andy Reid playoff magic is still alive. Pats held the ball for 43 minutes to 21 for KC.
  5. Yeah, it wasn't so much the fans abandoning the Rams. Georgia Frontiere made Rachel Dawes look like a lovable owner.
  6. Just imagine how far the Rams could have gone if they hadn't fired Jeff Fisher.
  7. It wasn't cheap. You oughta know, you bought it.
  8. When you say Jason knows how to handle Jerry, do you mean like Rihanna knew how to handle Chris Brown?
  9. I liked the Rhino and the Scorpion, but they never seem to get much love. I'm talking the original Rhino, not the techno Transformer Rhino from the first Spider-man reboot . Agree on Mysterio.
  10. Random neural firings: The stuff the John Wayne True Grit messed up, the Jeff Bridges True Grit got right. The opposite is true, also. Strother Martin was great as the auctioneer. Kim Darby and Glen Campbell were not great in their roles. Robert Duvall as Ned Pepper was better. Other traditional westerns: The Searchers, Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Is that a western or a Southern? Made in 1948 and people still quote it. "Hey mister, can you stake a fellow American to a meal?" "Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need to show you no stinking badges." Another one I'd never call great, but was a seriously fun watch was "El Dorado."
  11. In my day, Mary Jane was hotter than Aunt May.
  12. Got curious after seeing the thread bumped & looked up Smith. Last update I found was that he returned home on December 16, football future still in doubt, but apparently they got the infection under control. The article didn't say that but can't imagine they'd send him home if the infection was still a problem. https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/12/16/alex-smith-injury-update-exists-hospital-future-uncertain-redskins Weird side note: I did a search on the SI site for Alex Smith. The second article to come up was "Early 2019 Fantasy Football Breakout Candidates"
  13. I was just going to post on this. If you look at the number of jump cuts in movies now, and the number of plots they try to push into one movie, it's the rare older movie that doesn't seem to drag for younger people.
  14. Peckinpah's early work was more traditional. Through the fifties, he did the Rifleman, Gunsmoke, etc. Leone did the man with no name trilogy from 1964-66. He heavily influenced Peckinpah, who did the Wild Bunch in 69, and went on to get the reputation for ultraviolence. It could be Peckinpah always wanted to do that, but until Leone made the breakthrough, he couldn't get it approved.
  15. Can't speak for the guy you're responding to, but I gave up on the Cowboys a few years ago. I had almost given up when Jerry hired Parcells, and got sucked back in when Parcells turned them back into an actual playoff team. My final break with them was when Wade Phillips got his ass kicked and was doing a postgame interview. He didn't even know who they were playing the next week. That was the week Jerry fired him. Just looked it up. That was 2010. Jason Witten was the last player I knew on the Cowboys, and I can proudly say I've never watched a full game with Jason Garrett coaching.
  16. HEY! Nobody wants to face Andy Reid in the playoffs.
  17. I don't know about the rest of you, but I felt a lot of love in Phlegm's post.
  18. He's also 67, although he looks to be in good health. He could be a guy that coaches until he drops (Paterno, Bear Bryant) or he could be a Royal or Grant Teaff, who quits and lives for decades. They got their ass kicked in the title game, and a lot of people that wanted to see Bama get humbled are enjoying it. Curious as to what the future holds. Saban and Belichick have always been weird, in that they never seem to get happy about winning. They get pissed about losing, but after a championship, they just move on to next year. Saban won't hang around if they don't keep winning at a high level.
  19. Midnight Cowboy. I sneaked in to see it when I was 14, expecting to see something like a Russ Meyer movie.
  20. It was a gay love triangle. Kennedy was mad at Eastwood for leaving him for Bridges.
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