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Reynolds Woodcock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Reynolds Woodcock

  1. 1. KD 2. Kawhi 3. LBJ (giving him major benefit of the doubt, because he does seem to be slipping). 4. Curry 5. Jokic 6. Luka 7. Embiid 8. Giannis 9. Harden 10. Dame 11. Davis To me that is the list of superstar players right now. Tons of younger guys on the rise. I could be talked into a lot of different orders for 2-11, but no question on number 1. Edit to add: fuck it’s hard to leave CP3 off the list given what he is doing this year.
  2. I was being lazy and declined free tickets in a suite to this game tonight. I am not a smart man.
  3. Best player in the world is putting on a show.
  4. If this is a Donnie vs. Haralabob struggle, I hope the organization sides with Haralabob. Although he spends most of his time on twitter trying to run up the price of BTC, his type of thinking is clearly where the league is/is heading. However, if it's remotely Doncic vs. Haralabob, say goodnight to Haralabob.
  5. Seems like he got a lot of ball for that to be an ejection? I wasn’t watching live so maybe the context was different. And lol at Booker’s hold me back tough guy act.
  6. Fuck you guys. Doris is awesome.
  7. Incredible 8 days, thanks all for the recs. Columbier and Gouverneur were our favorite beaches, and La Case and Santa Fe were our favorite meals. We spent way more time than I expected just hanging out by the pool at our villa. It was like being in a much more low key France. Can’t wait to go back
  8. Was this post written before the Murray injury? I don’t see it at all. If you need an Austin Rivers heat check against Portland, you can’t take the Lakers to 7 unless LeBron is severely bored or injured. Hope to be wrong though.
  9. Oh another one to consider is Tokyo Record Bar. I haven’t been post-pandemic, but it’s an underground place right in the middle of the village that has a big record collection, and every guest writes a request at the beginning of the night with all being played throughout dinner. It’s a fun time.
  10. Pre-pandemic, a perfect Saturday night for me would have been Ten Bells for wine followed by dinner at Cervo's or Wildair, followed by a late night slice at Scarr's. Now I feel like I rarely go east of 7th avenue.
  11. I've never been a girl and it's been a decade and a half since I was 16, but below are some thoughts in lower Manhattan that skew a little more to the "hip" side than the fancy side, and won't run you $500. This list will however require you to be around people in their mid-20s. Buvette - small French place in West Village with terrific food. Really tough to get in for weekend brunch, but otherwise not too bad. Thai Diner - Nolita is a hip area and this place is great. You might have to wait awhile, but the area is cool to walk around. And if it's too long, just walk over and get in line for Prince Street pizza. Or maybe just do this anyway. Decoy - underground bougie peking duck place in the west village. I brought my 16 year old niece here and I think I saw her smile over her iphone once or twice. Cervo's - this honestly may be too adventurous and out of the way (in the lower, lower east side), but it is one of my favorite places in the city and is in a hip area. Again, no reservations, so you may have to wait on a curb with your daughter for 30 minutes while drunk 27 year olds walk around you. If you do this, I suggest walking around the corner for a slice at Scarr's pizza after.
  12. Because he’s a shitty person?
  13. I worked at an East Texas Golden fucking Corral for 6 months in high school (I had an idiot friend who promised it would be good weed money). The post-church crowd was the absolute worst.
  14. It’s not getting great reviews. I liked the first two seasons so will give it a shot, but expectations are low.
  15. The 10:30 tip is a hate crime against working East Coasters. There is no chance I see this second half.
  16. Can't disagree with that. Which is good, because it is one less task on a mile long list that he is woefully underqualified to tackle. In any event, it sounds like we both have Garcia at the top of our ticket. That gives me hope, as it seems (though I could be wrong) like you may skew more towards the Bloomberg side of the party whereas I skew more to the Warren/Sanders side of the party. Even my most "woke" friends have Garcia in their top 3, because she just seems like she would be damn good at the job of managing a major city, rather than a political grandstander vying for the national spotlight.
  17. So seems pretty clear that...
  18. Trae Young has to be the ugliest basketball player of all time. Just straight up hideous.
  19. Yeah that looked a little out of control, but I’m here for it
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