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Reynolds Woodcock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Reynolds Woodcock

  1. True Romance would be 4 or 5 for me. Fucking love that movie.
  2. What a perfect opportunity to break the news to my wife
  3. Since we’re skirting around the edges of doing this: 1. Inglorious Bastards 2. Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Jackie Brown 5. Reservoir Dogs 6. Kill Bill 1 7. Hateful 8 8. Django Unchained (probably a better movie than several of the above, but I’ve never once had the inclination to revisit it, unlike every other QT movie) 9. Kill Bill 2 10. Death Proof
  4. Got a Sarah Silverman drop in at Comedy Cellar tonight. An entire set about abortion and god not existing with my East Texas parents. Absolutely top notch.
  5. Damn… A 15 minute walk away and yet I am woefully behind. That looks as good as I imagine. Crown Shy was great. 48 hour Sous Vide Short Rib was drool-worthy and the skin contact portion of their wine list was on point. My folks came in town last night for the Bruce show (which they both loved). Taking them to comedy cellar tonight followed by dinner at Niche Niche.
  6. Ah shit, I didn’t realize that. Let me know if that’s the case when you eat. Very jealous.
  7. Hell ya. Looks like an everything with Scallion CC and Nova? Terrific order. I've got Crown Shy (finally) tonight. I am still on the prowl for a Dame reservation that is indoors at a time before 10:30 pm.
  8. Like almost every song on that album (Ultralight Beams, No More Parties, etc.)
  9. Yep, I think I was the youngest person there but it was awesome. Agreed that Born In The USA was a highlight. My dad is flying in tonight just to go to the show tomorrow.
  10. If not already known, I present to you the dumbest man in America.
  11. The Game. Maybe I watched this when I was a kid when it came out, but I don’t remember. Fun movie.
  12. My preference. Try as I might, I just have a hard time being really interested/invested in animated movies. I admit it’s a real flaw in my cinephilia.
  13. Would really love a GS/BK finals next year. I remain skeptical on Golden State making it through the west (especially if AD and LeBron are both healthy) unless they can package the pick(s)/Wiseman/Wiggins for a legit third star.
  14. Just saw Springsteen on Broadway for my first concert since March 2020. I have tickets for Waxahatchee, Jeff Tweedy on the opening night of this weird ass new 500 person Brooklyn venue, Brandi Carlisle, Sasha & Digweed, and Washed Out.
  15. 1. Rushmore 2. Royal 3. Grand Budapest 4. Bottle Rocket 5. Life Aquatic 6. Moonrise Kingdom 7. Darjeeling 8. Fantastic Mr. Fox 9. Isle of Dogs
  16. This is the same shit stain that marched to Lafayette Park in full camo for a photo op. Don’t fall for this image rehabilitation bull shit.
  17. In an effort not to have a list filled with only PTA, QT and Marty, I limited myself to one movie per director. I'm sure I fucked up somewhere. In alphabetical order: Bicycle Thieves - De Sica Blue Velvet - Lynch Breathless - Godard (close call over Le Mepris) Do The Right Thing - Spike (close call with Malcolm X) Goodfellas - Scorsese (I really wanted to pick After Hours, but it has to be Goodfellas or Taxi Driver) Inglorious Bastards - Tarantino (on any given day I might sub Pulp or Once Upon a Time. Or Jackie fucking Brown. Or cheat with True Romance) M - Fritz Lang On The Water Front - Kazan Rear Window - Hitchcock (so hard. Rebecca, Psycho, NxNW, Notorious, etc.) There Will Be Blood - PTA (tough call for me over Phantom and The Master) My 11th is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly or No Country for Old Men. Others that missed the cut: Badlands, Casablanca, Chinatown, Deer Hunter, Frances Ha, Godfather I and II, Lost In Translation, Manhattan/Annie Hall, Once Upon a Time in America, Rushmore, The Shining, The Third Man.
  18. Fuck yes. Had that yesterday with the Katsu club and a bloody, while the N train rattled overhead. Great place.
  19. Loved every second of this movie. Picked up the novel yesterday and will rip through it
  20. Also, I love Fish Cheeks. Tell me how Bruce is. We are there Wednesday. Bruce was fucking awesome. I’m too young to be a huge fan, but it was really an incredible show. I would go back
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