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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. UW was my favorite Pac school so for them to stomp on everyone and go 13-0 is a fitting end to that conference. Sure would have been nice to have had 4 teams at 13-0 with Georgia, Texas, Michigan, & Washington facing off. In the meantime rooting for Alabama & Louisville tomorrow
  2. Yeah he was able to out talent the HBCU circuit with relative ease via name recognition. Beating people on talent can be done in FBS but it takes some time and you have to go at it via an organic process none of which he has been trying to do. I have a feeling next season is his last at Colorado.
  3. Fuck Nike, Phil Knight, and all their stupid uniform stupidity
  4. https://www.koco.com/article/oklahoma-state-university-dead-longhorn-frat-house/46009410
  5. Banks can run, but they can't hide! Still weak when priced in Silver.
  6. Gold's 1st monthly close above the $2,000 level in the history of human civilization. Good luck to all.
  7. From Denver Colorado after last night's Uncle Lucius show. FIGHT!!!!!
  8. The 1970 one was pretty spare because we got beat down by Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl that year
  9. Used to party with Jeter's brother-in-law down in St Thomas back then he would fly to the SI swimsuit parties in Vegas on Jeter's private jet and even wound up dating another SI model soon after. A lot has changed since then and that was a decade ago.....
  10. No the idiots who were cheering lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.
  11. maybe not that extreme but they are getting to the ballpark
  12. Yeah I saw that dumbass shit last night hope springs eternal which is why Thujone's rollercoaster MS-Paint frame is the greatest MS-Paint Picasso of all time. He really should sell an NFT for that original file.
  13. I hate giving that douche views but he has become such the aggy fan of late I wanted to taste the tears and he delivered.
  14. No it was Chimpanzione's second season in 2004 and the Ags were all sorts of fired up they had clawed their way out of the 0-77 basement the year before to the mighty Cotton Bowl vs Tenner. They proceeded to get skull fuct and trail by 38 before picking up a garbage time TD from Reggie "Real Deal" McNeal to lose by 31. Note: The only reason they got the Cotton Bowl was because BlowU was facing the condoms in the national championship and Texas was playing Michigan in the Rose Bowl As always riding big brothers coattails and got beat down for doing so...
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