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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Hopium springs eternal. My real ag friends are pissed lol
  2. You need to jump and swing up to hit me in the knees man but all is good.
  3. No Jimbo = realization Petrino sucks https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3422079
  4. Bitch please maybe next time the world will bless you with the ability to not be a scrub.
  5. No motherfucker this thing is a dumpster fire.
  6. What 2023 taught me was my disdain for OU exceeds my disdain for the BDF. I guess that has and always will be through every picosecond of creation and destruction
  7. Ball don't lie aka there is a god
  8. I tried telling people it was still a shyte team but the sunshine pumps neg repped me continuously swearing this was a good OU team.
  9. JFC we should have shipped Sark to Provo to back this scrub up. Might have killed two birds with one stone
  10. Im pretty sure they did that too. That is what makes the aggy mediocrity streak so damn amazin
  11. Sub prime getting raped in Pullman by a squad that was in epic free fall too..
  12. I mean that is the lowest bar in history to clear. Between Beebe & Bowlsby it is damn near impossible to be worse...
  13. Breakout or breakdown haha. I expect when the liquidity crunch sets in the metals will fall too before they start climbing the walls
  14. Doesn't the Undertaker live in Austin? Sark should invite him to the game and have him stare Yorkmark down when we win.
  15. My basic rule is can you take being given shit on a pretty regular basis? If so we are cool if not you are going to be too angry all the time and meh I don't give a fuck. Note I am perfectly fine when people lampoon UT when we do our stupid shit..... Which sadly over the past 14 years has been far too often.
  16. You can tell by his body language and the fact that he was talking far too slow that he must have known his fate but couldn't bring himself to pass the information along while the cameras were rolling.
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