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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. I mean, I don't have access nor know where to search to that level of detail. But my overall point is that a lot of US automakers work with part suppliers in Mexico and Canada. There's a lot of parts being made there shipped to the US as part of final assembly. I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything, just saying that for a lot of the products we touch, the "made in the US" isn't necessarily a 100% accurate.
  2. The thing is… would you be surprised how much of what you described isn’t true? Assembled in the US isn’t exactly made in the US. Especially your vehicle .
  3. I assume they ran out of budget for that one character. Otherwise, a fairly enjoyable Marvel flick. C+/B- range for me.
  4. Wow really? I need to pay closer attention on my next rewatch.
  5. I mean the only criticism I would have is that I would want variety from those taco trucks. I need representation from all regions of Mexico. 😄
  6. I haven't seen that survey but as someone who writes them... a question like that would need some context setting. Ethically I hope Rasmussen did that.
  7. Not sure really where to post this but came across this link for a Yakamein recipe. It's a product of Chinese immigrants working alongside African Americans on plantations and railroads in New Orleans. A. I've never heard of this before! B. I need to make this. C. We need more mixing of people and culture for all the delicious delicious food.
  8. The music they pick for this series is outstanding. Also, just tons of great 80s hits they’ve used so far. Some beautifully lit scenes this episode, especially the carousel.
  9. Sure, everyone has the innate ability to discriminate. And everyone should do better. And yeah, it’s better here than other parts of the world. But I live here and people that’s benefited from institutional racism don’t get a magic hall pass to shirk their responsibilities or at the very least be more of an ally either.
  10. Nothing like the thrill of mashing that log in button multiple times when you're trying to catch the waning moment of a close game...
  11. Professor Jones can examine my brief...
  12. Interesting article: Feeling ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘fatigue,’ some GOP voters look beyond Trump Also freaking ridiculous how many people will give him a pass for how "he was treated."
  13. The outrageousness of the characters and situations in Shrinking is what makes it so appealing for me.
  14. This looks fun/interesting:
  15. Yeah fuck the EPA in this incidence too. And also what the hell Pete. Totally failing on the job recently as secretary of transportation.
  16. Whoah whoah regulations? Norfolk Southern says everything is fine. What more do you need?
  17. Well the game isn’t exactly realistic…
  18. Congrats to KC fans but what a lame ending.
  19. Oh damn… flag. And it looked so well defended
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