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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. Alright, time to fire up ep 1 on Hulu again… Man that opening theme song is one of the best
  2. Too bad Lobo’s not around, otherwise I’m sure we would have gotten a possibly interesting treatise of the inside scoop on this.
  3. Still a very fun show… but not a fan of so many divergent storylines.
  4. Lol at Gen Z discovering who Kate Bush is.
  5. Thank you citizen for bringing this to our attention. You’re a true patriot.
  6. W H E W… whew… whew… breathe
  7. Question for the runners on this thread. Any hydration belt/vest/bottles recommendations? I picked up a random one from REI last week (Nathan hydration waist pack)… it’s a single water bottle design. Shifted around way too much while I ran today. I could see this being nice for a hike, but it really annoyed me during the run. What’s worked for y’all?
  8. How about a nice easy win with a 10 run explosion today?
  9. Joe, “What do you have to say to me face to face asshole?”
  10. That’s where I went, was super fun… especially like you said because there was supporters for both clubs there.
  11. MJ shoulda tried again instead of going for US Senate...
  12. And it was only $5 for the upgrade... damn it!
  13. I can soooo picture a cartoon of this… Trump and NRA dude hugging. Each with a hand rooting around the other’s pant pocket.
  14. I try to assume positive about everyone, even dick head UCLA fans. Respectively. 😁
  15. Another way the Russians/commies screwed us. After the Cold War, some of our politicians started conflating capitalism with democracy. And before you know it the free market is talked about more and more.
  16. Whoah, seriously, you visited some of the best culinary destinations in the world fatty.
  17. If it's an isolated incident or where history and past-behaviors don't matter? Sure, I agree that's a horrible stance to take. But that's not reality. But the facts are indelible in what modern-day Republican politicians and their supporters have advocated for and passed into policy. So what's your proposal to overcome that in the spirit of meaningful discussions?
  18. Don't you think that's a problem? Because it wasn't always this way with the Republican Party. You can clearly trace the pro 2nd amendment stance back to the mid-1970s when a faction of the NRA being forcing the org to move away from sports/hunting and towards opposing gun control. They formed a PAC two years later and with a laser focus on electing politicians that focused on gun rights. And conveniently then they latched on to the conservative movement to erode and chip away at the bi-partisan supported business policies and social welfare programs that came out after WWII. For goodness sake fatty, the modern day GOP is a well-oiled disinformation machine.
  19. I'm sorry... I guess I try to assume positive way too much then. Personality trait and all that.
  20. Baba... isn't there a disconnect though? Even if you support these new policy changes the assumption here is that the candidates you typically voted for would never go for that. Don't you think that's kind of a problem?
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