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Everything posted by B1G

  1. HP-11c in shirt pocket at all times, the HP-15c stays in the office.
  2. How many sharpies will her ass hold?
  3. You want me to write in Mackey mouse? No way in he'll I will vote for Trump or Biden.
  4. If I sit it out I will not be licensed to batch, my opinion will mean nothing
  5. Never said that, I may have to sit this one out and not bitch or cry for four years
  6. I am not a Trump supporter and there is no way in hell I will vote for Biden. It makes me sad that these two seem to be the best this country has to offer.
  7. I will bet not one of the 6 knows what a clit is or where to find it.
  8. The Steel Shank thread is >>>>. It awaits you.
  9. So the men had trick or drink while the kids did their thing, not a damn thing wrong with that.
  10. Some fine eating there for a long time.
  11. Soon you will be up to bigger than bun.
  12. Darn I need to apologize for a couple posts I made in this thread, it is going to be around 102 for the next few days. I have no idea how you all maintain sanity down there.
  13. I was going to spray weeds today but it started raining, will have to wait until tomorrow. Low of 55 tonight so open up the windows it is.
  14. Nice cool 76 with a light breeze where I live.
  15. Happiest day of my life was selling 4 quarter horses that were my fathers, went to good homes. They never raced, just pleasure stock.
  16. B1G

    Getting old sucks

    The older I get the less the threat of a life sentence serves as a deterant.
  17. Fix this shit or I am going to have to work. Who the he'll wants to work on a Friday.
  18. This is correct, do the laundry and put it away, eat, do dishes put them away.
  19. Wait till you turn 50, you will make up for lost time.
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