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Everything posted by housious

  1. And somehow he went from an MVP to one of the worst QB's in the league.
  2. It's laughable that any penalty can be reviewed. The games are already slow enough.
  3. Ha. I was about to mention that earlier. The best thing about having kids is that you might end up having grand kids.
  4. My aunt and uncle chose not to have them. Once they hit their 50’s they wouldn’t shut up about how much they regretted it. But they had money, traveled, and had a good life.
  5. Good. Majors are significantly overvalued by too many people. Rory had the best season on tour this year.
  6. Who the hell still indents the beginning of a paragraph?
  7. Seems pretty irresponsible to put one of our spy's shit on blast. But hey, what do I know?
  8. Being an ex cop child molester in prison won’t be fun.
  9. If you like nicotine that much, chew the gum.
  10. Tool of the Undertow days is never coming back. In fact, it's been gone for decades. I'm just glad they put out an album I enjoy while in their mid 50's.
  11. Don't really care about the video, but damn you for posting a link to public freakout. I just lost an hour of my work day.
  12. Imagine someone wishing mass casualties on people because of the outcome of a game played by teenagers. Oh wait, I don’t have to. Because you just did. Dumbass.
  13. When it works he has steel balls. When it doesn’t he can get fucked
  14. How embarrassing. Faking injuries to stop the clock while up two touchdowns.
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