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Everything posted by housious

  1. I saw Patty and the lady friend a few times at the bar inside Whole Foods on Blanco. They are both good people. Would be better people if he could still shoot though.
  2. Getting rid of the chicken wing is what got him here in the first place
  3. College football is halfway to being unwatchable as it is. Wouldn’t miss it in the slightest. I’ll take the 3 million and buy all of Austin’s homeless people bus tickets to the west coast.
  4. You sound as childish and petulant as most Trump supporters. What are you, 12?
  5. Wasn’t pretty much everyone against it 20 years ago? Who gives a shit.
  6. Plus, I'm told that Cheddar's has a three drink limit
  7. I say the man deserves the presidential medal of freedom. Fuck anyone who uses the express checkout lane with a full basket.
  8. Sounds like something a dude that lives on hopkins would say
  9. The majors being this bunched together, even though it's only a few weeks difference, sucks. And I don't see how champ has a shot at ROTY. He won in one start, a no name event with no top tour talent, and has been dreadful ever since. Unless that win alone gets him ROTY. I'm still pissed about the changes to the Tour Championship. The last big event of the season is essentially ruined.
  10. Long story, but somehow my wife and I ended up in a bar in the middle of nowhere in Arkansas. No idea what it was called. We walked in, and I could see the immediate disgust on her face by just being there. I order a cold Bud Light in a can for $1. My wife asks for a water, and the bartender laughs in her face and proceeds to explain that drinking the tap water there might kill you. There were some rednecks in the corner punching a punching bag. I drank a few more cold Bud Lights and we left.
  11. This is one of the dumbest things you've ever said. Which is saying something.
  12. This is bullshit and you know it. He doesn't compete at the players, the memorial, the WGC's, the tour championship, any of the Fedex playoff events. Trying to act like golf consists of 4 tournaments is nonsense. Golf's all time greats win, and they win a lot.
  13. Just reading through this thread makes me sad. A lot of you could really benefit by unplugging from politics for awhile.
  14. Cousins can barely walk. Why would you want the spurs to sign him?
  15. looks like her shoes were three sizes too small growing up
  16. It’s amazing that people are just now caring about this. This Epstein shit has been out there and very well known for years.
  17. This 3 of 4 guy has me all riled up. I think it’s time I send ANGC a strongly worded letter
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