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Everything posted by housious

  1. Yeah, I’m aware. Doesn’t change anything though.
  2. Why the hell do your leagues do drafts so early?
  3. I’m still salty about the the handicapped start. Awful. Also, East Lake must be a hell of a hard golf course.
  4. Shit, I don’t blame him one bit. Why get smacked around by 300 pound dudes all day when you and generations of your family are set for life?
  5. We must have different definitions of exciting
  6. San Antonio is fine. You can still buy a nice house in a good school district for 300k, and the traffic isn't all that bad. Plus, you can actually get good tortillas here.
  7. No doubt. I’d sign up to be a garbage man over being a cop.
  8. Do police even investigate stolen vehicles these days? Working in shifts I'm sure
  9. Did you guys move here from Canada? 100 degree days don't even cross my mind at this point. They're normal, and I'm not a roofer, so I don't really care. The only time I really notice is when I see my water and electric bills.
  10. If they stay with this stupid format, they need to overvalue wins and lessen the value of playoff events.
  11. Will the tour championship even count as an official tour win anymore? Just imagine if Tiger squeaked into the field this week, and then went on to dominate everyone, but ends up losing by one shot to the #1 seed by one shot because of the handicap in place. It would be scrapped immediately.
  12. It IS a lot different, because nobody cares about the playoff events or who wins the FedEx cup. And they ruined the tour championship in the process.
  13. Lawyers, pick up your telephones. I see an easy settlement on the horizon.
  14. Is it possible to live in a world where both groups suck?
  15. Are we all gonna die? Should I sell my 12' jon boat and horde cash?
  16. Defense is solid. Jump shot and capitalization techniques are questionable.
  17. HEB's premade potato salad is fantastic
  18. Liquidate everything and bury cash in the back yard.
  19. It's definitely different, but I'll enjoy it either way. I'm hoping a few of the songs are a little "harder."
  20. I listened to the full Undertow album the other day because it had been forever. This doesn't even sound like the same band.
  21. Has a cop ever been killed by a dog? How about a postman? Maybe we shouldn’t be firing weapons in a neighborhood unless it’s, you know, a life or death situation.
  22. Yeah. There would have to be some limits on accessories to shotguns, meaning you probably shouldn't be carrying around a Saiga with a massive drum mag.
  23. Are we talking about gun control here? I'll go ahead and try to make a reasonable post, even though I should know better. I've owned an AR15 for 7 or 8 years, but I truly don't see the need for them to be available to citizens. Outlaw them, create a buy back program for them, and I'll bring mine in without hesitation. I do get why some are scared of the slippery slope when it comes to banning guns. If that led to other gun bans, specifically ones that have legit use for home defense and hunting, I'd be pissed. It's happened in other places and it's reasonable to think it could happen here. Frankly, as long as we can still own shotguns, bolt action rifles, and wheel guns I'm fine with everything else going away.
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