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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mach 1

  1. Are you for real? I’ve seen your other stupid posts but this one is quite impressive.
  2. Dumb. Should have play actioned that QB move.
  3. I’ve been drinking but I think I’m more sober than some of the shit I’m reading. The overreaction to the positives in the Alabama performance are inverse to the negative overreactions here. It’s a work in progress. Nobody can turn the shitshow that was the Strong and Herman tenure around like a dime. Going to Lubbock will always be a fight, so put it in perspective. That said fire PK.
  4. I think your diagnosis is spot on. You’re on it, make sure you order the right replacement. It’s been awhile but I recall a shitload of confusing options on the part sites.
  5. If that was the case I’d give him a pass. But I suspect he’s just an asshole.
  6. Bouncing between this and the TCU game. Brando and Tillman make my ears bleed. I can’t listen to these dipshits without changing back.
  7. Holy shit! I had anxiety just filming that.
  8. Recently back from a week long sailing trip, mostly smaller islands. Saw some questions up thread so figured I'd pass on my completely unbiased biased opinions. First the obligatory Acropolis update: Crowded and hot as fuck. Finis. Kythnos Non touristy island with a sleepy village/marina on the east side (more on west side later). Marketed a bit as having a 'natural hot spring'. Kind of. Some random rocks placed in a circle at the water line, some hot water mixed with sea water. 3 people max. Pass. Serifos Little more going on here. Didn't get to see alot of the island, but took a taxi up to the main hilltop town, pretty cool. Milos Based on the ferries and activity in the marina, I'd say this island is now on everyone's radar. And for good reason, it was the highlight of the trip. This place is an aquatic fun house - snorkeling, kayaking, cave swimming, ledge diving. Didn't get to see much of the inner island, just sailed around the edge. Kleftiko Sarakiniko Insane son of mine jumping off a 60 foot cliff Poliegos Another aquatic fun house. Water here is gorgeous, impact from white marble mined on the island in the past. Sifnos Apparently a foodie island. Stopped here for dinner, had a great/creative local seafood meal. Didn't have a chance to see anything else on the island. Antiparos This marina was more upscale than the others, felt like a Hamptons neighborhood. Also heard more American accents than other islands by far. Unfortunately a thunderstorm blew through and put the kebash on any further exploring. Didn't stop the partying however, music was blaring until 3 am here. Syros Weather still overcast, so we rented a car and tooled around the whole island. It doesn't have the natural beauty of other islands, but it was fun to cruise narrow roads up and down hillsides with the ocean as a backdrop. Old Town is an 800 year old Venitian city. Really cool. Kythnos again Final stop. Apparently everyone else does too, as all charters are due back Friday morning, and it's relatively close to the mainland. This was the west side of the island, and the one bar/restaurant was going off. Last chance to party before going home. If I ever go back I'd like to spend more time exploring Milos, Antiparos and Paros. IMG_7325.HEIC
  9. This is important to know This was my initial thought after reading. Pressing charges, while probably what that girl deserves, may/may not have other consequences down the road for your son in that school. Tough call, weigh your son's opinion equally with what the other adults involced think. IMO I'd rather have the school dish out the harsh discipline. Drag her parents ass in to watch the tape, give her a REALLY long suspension, or kick her out.
  10. We have Lynksis for the Spectrum so maybe you’re right. I guess I’m hesitant switching everything over to the Verizon box. Because lazy, reticent. But if Spectrum goes out another fucking 12 hours I’ll switch over and report back.
  11. We have Spectrum 5g that’s fast but goes out all the time, so ordered Verizon 5g box. It sucks for us. We have to put it in a far window in the house to get the best reception, but the speed of all devices farther away in the house is compromised. Might work well for other folks depending on location. Still debating whether to return or just keep it as a back up to shitty Spectrum.
  12. I can attest to the greatness of the E36 M3. Original owner of this 1997 coupe, 86k miles. Taught my son how to drive stick on it. Jesus, just realized at 25 years should be in the Classic Car thread.
  13. What pleases me is that someone within his inner circle gave up intel about his personal home and personal safe. The shitstain's pea brain will be like a hornets nest of insecurity with whomever works for him in the future, especially those in his home. I suspect routine lie detector tests, maybe some sort of medieval torture, to prove loyalty. Regardless, the added day to day stress, and second guessing while wiping his ass on a golden toilet, will hopefully accelerate his demise.
  14. Same. The way McLaren has handled this season with Daniel leaves a bad taste. I understand results matter and he hasn’t delivered as expected, but the disengagement process looks ugly, and undeserving.
  15. I'm sure you're right about this; in my circumstance the *supposed* backlog was the USPS. If you're expediting the renewal of a minor's passport you have to visit the USPS to confirm you're the parent, take a quick interview, and sign an additional document. That was represented as being a 3-6 month wait. Could be bullshit, but I suspect USPS employees might be easier to grease than Federal passport employees. My wife's company uses the service often, as employees and clients travel internationally frequently. She sent me there to get this done ASAP. So sitting in the chair listening to his spiel, I had an Angel on one shoulder, Devil on the other. Angel said, Hey man, get up and do a little research, check this out, sounds like this might be bullshit, don't be a schmuck and pay an outrageous fee. The Devil said, Hey, fuckstick, you want to pay the $1200 and get this done now, or possibly get divorced? As usual, Devil wins.
  16. On a second watch and … Molly Ringwald is leading the suicide survivors in episode 3. Didn’t see it covered here previously, little shocking. Time is unkind. And fuck all you Sydney haters. The bear is trying to elevate the whole place, and she has that in her DNA. If that means being a cunt in the kitchen, so be it. Get in line or GTFO.
  17. I liked it more than I expected. Pros: entertaining, well made Cons: drags in parts, premise is silly I came out with more cons, but Googled a bit and those were turned around: I still think it was entertaining and well made, but the remaining unspoilered parts of the film were still kind of silly. B-
  18. Hmm, interesting proposition. I think I'll take Ray in close quarters, but Raylan at distance with his aim. Dewey is lucky Ray has a small part of his soul that is forgiving.
  19. Chin up Ed, we've all made mistakes. Just glad no one was hurt. A diversion on the way to full restoration, full steam ahead.
  20. I started a La-De-fucking-Da post with where’s the champagne flute, but after reading the hangover part I’m shocked you were able to pull that off. Most get breakfast tacos, but one man makes a seafood cocktail garnished with cilantro, then shucks a few oysters for fun. That man? Steve Austin.
  21. Watching The Old Man and this popped up on my Hulu home page. Had to stay up for teenagers to return home on a Saturday so binged it again. If you haven’t watched this show you should. It’s really well done and Ray may might me my second favorite TV character behind Raylan Givens. And I really hope they resurrect it for future shows, movie whatever.
  22. ^^^ Both IMO. Shouldn’t be unexpected as we had a big run up in appreciation so buyers felt pressure to act fast and possibly overpay. Rate increases and the threat of recession bullhorned has made would be buyers hit the pause button, or priced them out of what they were looking for. Inventory that would normally be taken off the market is now not, so comparatively to the recent past the total number is increasing. Sellers are apparently realizing they shot too high on the ask and are lowering it, as they should. As a developer I think it’s healthy and we need a recalibration - values in many markets have gotten way ahead of themselves. I like stability so the proforma I give the construction lender ends up within a plus/minus 10% of what I give them. That ain’t the case right now, both from a cost and sales perspective. But we’re making it work. As noted numerous times we have a housing shortage, so there are many buyers, but IMO they’re looking for dust to settle on the rates, and reductions, as they should. Market stability. It will be interesting to see the dance between builders/sellers and buyers in the coming months. Where those three things meet is the question. If I were delivering product soon I’d be nervous, but I’m almost a year out, I think shit sorts itself out by then.
  23. Well those happen to be expensive and possibly difficult propositions depending on the market. It happens but a developer will look at that option vs tried and true ground up residential and the latter usually prevails on the proforma.
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