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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mach 1

  1. Though your cruel words may prevent lesser men from fapping to Sondra Locke in her prime, I'd like it on the record that I prevailed over the adversity. Also, I'm sure it was unintentional, but @RPM comments actually assisted in my endeavor.
  2. Read this: And it won't just be humanity that kicks, likely 90% plus/minus of all living things, if the past is any indication of our future.
  3. Mom was bartending when I was there, pretty sure. Yeah we went to Willy's for happy hour at the suggestion of our captain. He said it's almost 100% locals at night on holiday weekends. And he said it in a way that I took as "You won't be welcome." When we left there were a bunch of cigarette boats coming in from Tortola. Loud as hell. I had my 16 year old son, so I was okay going at a time that wasn't too crazy.
  4. Jeff's right here, so should be okay if I ask you ... might I sample your wares? Solid wrap for the season.
  5. Some good ones in here. Raquel take it IMO. I had a thing for Clint's spinner in Josey Wales.
  6. Recently back from a week in BVI on a chartered cat. Awesome place. Housekeeping before the pics: USVI requires a test within 5 days of travel, BVI is 2. (They accept rapid antigen so no sweat.) To get back into USVI from BVI is also 2 days - as long as travel is marine and not air - this is an exception to the 1 day international travel requirement. Home for the week, Lagoon 450. Very comfy. Cooper Island The Baths Bitter End Yacht Club reopened the day before we arrived Saba Rock opened month earlier Anegada Bamboo Beach Anegada Cow Wreck Beach Kids tooled around in a Moke, I solo'd on a scooter. Lobster capital of BVI Monkey Point snorkelling Had to stop in Tortola to clean my clogged toilet. I didn't put any paper in, just clogged it with an impressive turd. Of course no one else believed me. They thought I should be embarrassed. Hell, I was proud, the thing had at least 3 rest rings and still stayed in one piece. Christmas Day at Soggy Dollar, prettay, prettay, prettay good Dove for fresh Conch We moored next to this. I tried to sneak away from the fam for a handy, no dice. The Indians. One of the best coral snorkelling spots I've visited. Wrapped up the trip with a dive off the replacement Willy T's Good times
  7. Came here to post about this. I'm a classic car guy, and fuck me, the room got dusty each time I saw that commercial during the game. Overnight paint job and engine tune? Yeah, no. Dead mom? Wood.
  8. Awesome. As a former resident of El Paso, it had me hooked at line 2. RIP
  9. I really liked it. Felt like a less ambitious, distant cousin of There Might Be Blood. Great acting, similar cinematography, music. Checked and Jonny Greenwood did the score on both. I must not have been paying close enough attention, the ending surprised me. I liked that nothing was too on the nose, just suggested.
  10. Figured this was worth a follow up for you soon to be parents of driving dipshits: State Farm covered it all. The other driver's insurance used the plate to dial in our insurance and made the claim. Total loss of Audi, not sure of the $. KIA damage at $6k which I already put down $3800 cash to get the parts. Now they'll reimburse and SF will move in to take care of it all. I called my agent and told him the whole deal. He was casual, no big deal, this is what we're here for. I noted neither one of his parents were in the car, which was my concern. He shrugged it off, as long as an adult was in the car, no problem (I zipped it). State Farm is one of the few carriers to cover things like this apparently. Adjuster calls to get the details, and I'm like, fuck, there wasn't another adult in the car. Guy first asks how my son is - nice. I say I've had some different versions of the events from my dipshit son, what report does his say? Says it's a straightforward left turn into an oncoming vehicle. Period. He notes that my son is on a learner's permit and that's covered as long as I gave him permission to drive. For a nanosecond I thought fuck that kid, he should go mow fucking lawns until he goes to college to pay for this shit, but quickly snapped out of it and said, "Why yes, yes I did." Done, case closed, full coverage. Lucky. HIs mother and I are still contemplating ways to punish him, might get medieval. State Farm for life, holla. (Fuck you, Jake)
  11. I live in LA, hills area. Before I lived here and visitied I shared some of the same negative perceptions. But now I love it. Benefits of a large, international city with great weather and access to the ocean, skiing, and whatever else the fuck you want to do. This Riley news has me quite stoked (sorry SBBruin). A) hopefully it fucks OU and B) hopefully it brings some power to at least one PAC12 school. One of my favorite times as a fan was when USC and Texas were kicking the shit out of other teams, and we didn't have to gargle the SEC balls fed to us by ESPN, etc. (You hear that Sark, you dipshit.) LA football fans do care, but they can become apathetic (as I've become) when their teams suck shit through a straw. I was at the Montage in Laguna Beach bar (cough, humblebrag) when Leinart got the Bush push, and the place fucking erupted, people screaming from their balconies, the pool area, lobby. Riley made a good call. USC is no fucking joke, they have the pedigree. And paying more in taxes is a price anyone making that kind of scratch should do all day long to live here. Again, I get why people might have a negative view of the place. But as a long time resident, none of those negative perceptions affect my life here at all.
  12. On Moorea we took a jeep tour into the mountains through pineapple fields. Pretty cool. On Bora Bora we rented waverunners and cruised around the lagoon a bit. Also did a boat tour around the island. One of the stops was a wreck where a huge nurse shark hangs out. Put on the snorkel gear and swam around with it; apparently it's used to tourists and not dangerous. IIRC the area around the port on the main island for cruise ships at Bora Bora is NOT where you want to be. It's one of the most beautiful places on earth, so you want to make plans to get somewhere on the outer reef islands with a badass beach and just chill.
  13. I'm in the same boat as Jimmyjazz. Flying to DFW and driving to Granbury so my kids can see their grandma for the first time in 2 years. I think we can hit Panther City by roughly 2pm Saturday - even worth trying? I'm thinking the fall back will be BBQ on the Brazos, which I can order ahead and pick up on the way.
  14. Oh hey, I forgot to apologize when this was active awhile back. I was busy recording and deleting the last 5 games. Takes time. And then I had to cancel all those flights, hotel rooms and rental cars for the games I planned on attending. Only so many hours in the day. Anyway, I'm sorry for emotionally investing too much in your success. You don't deserve that kind of pressure. I mean, you didn't ask for it. I did it myself. Started when I was a kid watching your games with my grandmother. But how could you know that? BTW she's dead now. She was a real saint...... You know what, FUCK YOU for bringing her into this! I ought to kick your fucking ass for bringing her into this you cocksu----whoah whoah whoah. Not sure what got into me. My bad. Let's get back to business, the apology. I apologize for placing such lofty expectations on you. I promise it won't happen again. You may blissfully move forward on your journey of mediocrity, without the mighty burden of my expectations on your shoulders. But if you bring up Mema again I'll come for you motherfucker. Sorry, didn't mean that.
  15. Mach 1

    New Music 2021

    New Leon Bridges is smoooooooth.
  16. Caught North Dallas Forty this week on cable. Damn that movie is a time capsule. Mac Davis as Don Meredith is obvious. Same with pyscho OL as Bob Lilly. Wondering if the dude who hated needles was Calvin Hill. Anyway, entertaining movie. Only quibble is I've never bought Nick Nolte as a wide receiver. (Side note I read the book a long time ago. One of things I vaguely recall is the author catching Bob Lilly fucking his wife on his couch.)
  17. They didn't ask for it at the time. I guess they were satisfied by my explanation, and they had the plate numbers. However they did ask for it the next day after they filed a claim with their carrier. I told them I wanted to get the estimate first, since we will likely pay it out of pocket. I'm friendly with our agent and tempted to just float a trial balloon with him on this, see what he thinks. Wife and attorney friend don't like that idea. I told him this morning he's the luckiest little shit in the world. No one was hurt and the police let him go WITHOUT a license, registration, or insurance. My ass would probably still be in jail.
  18. I'm an avid hiker in the LA area. This might be a little surprising but metro Los Angeles is an excellent hiking area. There are numerous great hikes between Pasadena and Malibu (and beyond) of all categories. I'm running or hiking around the Franklin Canyon Park at least a couple times a month. And the side benefit of food/entertainment beyond that is a given.
  19. I think my soon to be 16 year old son may have broken a record. I found a good deal on a used Kia K5, so pulled the trigger this Sunday. I've been driving with him for awhile (Learner's permit), and he's a solid driver, good kid, good grades, he deserves it once he gets his license. He then makes the decision, while my wife and I are out of town on business, to take it for a joy ride with his sister at 11 pm on Tuesday night. AAAAnnddd promptly gets in an accident - around 48 hours after I buy the car. No one was hurt, but the Audi Q5 he hit had the airbags deploy. Cops show up, shockingly ask no questions other than for my AAA card to get the Kia towed. I think these guys knew what was up and wanted to get him and the car the fuck out of there (thank you, thank you). Audi in shop; might be totaled. Kia at home, relatively minor damage. Getting State Farm involved seems to be a gray area - may or may not be willing to pay. I have no idea how they'd react to this. Other thing is we will be adding the driver at fault to our insurance soon, so how excited will our agent be to add a 16 year old that just went for an illegal joy ride and caused tens of thousands of dollars in damages? Attorney friend says to pay, don't get State Farm involved. So we're leaning towards: (1) taking the money to pay for damages - to both cars - out of some stock investments we made for him when was younger, and (2) pulling his license until he's 17, and figuring out a way for him to pay for his own Uber receipts during that time period. Might draw and quarter him also. He's in disbelief at his own stupidity, really down on himself. Good. I'm letting it simmer without getting upset, just pointing out the astounding idiocy of his decision. On the side I'm somewhat relieved this happened early on without any bodily harm - hopefully he'll be scared straight. (BTW my wife isn't back yet so who knows what hellfire she's going to bring down - I'll have to TRY to keep that in check.) Stay safe out there! PS My daughter has been like a ninja since I've been back, tip toeing in the shadows. I finally caught up to her: Hey, you know what aiding and abetting is? She nodded. Well I'll tell you anyway, it means if you allow or assist in criminal activity, you're as liable as the criminal (I have no fucking idea if that's true, just said it anyway). So whatever punishment your brother gets, you get. She nodded and slumped off.
  20. I'm really enjoying this. Production value an details are top notch. Has a little Se7en vibe.
  21. Go for it. I had zero side effects. Complete speculation on my part, but I would think the booster would have minimal effects since you've already been vaccinated.
  22. Test drove an AWD model Y this weekend. Holy shit that car is fast. Can't imagine what the performance version feels like. Got back in my X6, turned it to Sport and punched it. Google machine says the cars are equal 0-60. Yeah, no. Based on my ass in seat experience, the Y is definitely faster up to 60. The X6 might catch it after that, who knows. With my wife complaining about gas prices and my other gas guzzling cars, the Y ticks a lot of boxes. One of those being price; I like the idea of dipping my toe in the EV water rather than going full bore with an X or S. Only reticence is the strange serene feeling of flying along in absolute silence, as opposed to the visceral brutality of a V8 twin turbo. I'm a little worried an EV might get boring once the novelty wears off ... but I'm heavily leaning toward putting in the order. I can drive my other cars if I want that visceral feeling.
  23. Officially Boosted. Finally snagged a Moderna boost after my J and J in April. Come at me Covid.
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