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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mach 1

  1. Ordered some seafood from Maine for a little feast this weekend. Hello guys, how was your flight? Throw in some oysters Shucking oysters suck, I need a break Mussels in garlic white wine sauce Thank you Lobster Gods, for your plentiful bounty
  2. I may have read the article in the OP too quickly, but I didn't catch where she actually made the argument that private schools are indefensible. I caught some anecdotes about entitled shithead parents, and that Ivy schools accept more private school applicants. I'll skip the 10,000 word treatise and point out the obvious: people with means tend to seek out the better things in life because they can afford it. News at 11. Education for their children is just one of those things. I'm sure there are great public schools out there, and if we had that option, we'd take a hard look at them. But unfortunately we don't, so we suck it up and pay the astronomical tuition for a school similar to the one in the article. It stings when I sign the check every year, but I sleep easy knowing it's my best investment. I'm responsible for giving my kids the tools necessary to be decent human beings and succeed in the world once they fly the coop, and the private school we chose is doing exactly that. I'm a public shool kid. It was fine, but it didn't do much to prepare me for college, and in turn, the competive world after. I'd like my kids to be better prepared than I was. On the diversity front, maybe it's just our school, but part of our tuition goes to support a good chunk of scholarships. There are kids from all sorts of socio economic backgrounds, and for that I am glad.
  3. Sheeeeit, you haven't even seen the gay albino weight lifter, the ill tempered 300-pound-of-muscle American Indian, or psycho/MMA poindexter. Banshee is fucking awesome from beginning to end. Good town, bad blood.
  4. I like a lot of Alexander Payne's movies. Election, About Schimdt, Sideways, The Descendants.
  5. Just finished it. Room got dusty. This is a slow burn, and zman descibes it well. Highly recommend.
  6. I lightly follow news of Cruz and I'm baffled how a person like this continues to exist in public. No one likes him, he continually makes stupid statements and actions that show him as a fool, he lies as a reflex, and has seemingly no motivation to exist other than become President for the MAGA crowd. I guess I'm just awed by the lack of shame. It's truly amazing, his ability to take nuclear abuse and not flinch, just move forward with the same bullshit. Thanks GQP I guess.
  7. Mach 1

    The Police

    I have a buddy that's a PE teacher at the school Copeland sends his kids to. About ten years ago Copeland hired him to teach his son how to ride a bike. I found that really odd. I mean, isn't that supposed to be a rite of passage between father and son? Ever since whenever I see him being interviewed he strikes me as an asshole. *Side note* You Police fans should check out Sting's solo "Ten Summoner Tales." It's excellent, highly recommend.
  8. That was the reason for the question. Is there really any downforce help with a wing that high.?
  9. Mopar I assume that wing was just for show and didn’t actually do anything- Am i wrong on that?
  10. 69/70 muscle farts in your general direction
  11. I’ve been in a rental car on business last three days. Apparently the new Killers song is popular since they play it a dozen times a day. I fucking hate it. To the point of turning the radio off. I don’t think I’ve ever been angry at a song since We Built This City but this is it.
  12. This reminds me of a funny story from late 80’s early 90’s. Some homeless dude launched a homemade raft with shelter into the middle of Lake Austin. He must have had some kind of anchor because it didn’t move. People lost their shit, wanted it removed. He responded by painting SS Minnow on it. Authorities finally figured out that he was breaking the law that a boat owner can’t sleep on the craft in the actual waterway. So one of the local news guys rows out there with a camera crew to interview him. IIRC Reporter: Sir do you know you’re breaking the law? Yachter: I’m just minding my own business, doing a little fishing. Reporter: But sir you can’t live on a boat here in the middle of the lake. Yachter: I don’t live here, just visiting. Reporter: Are you saying you don’t sleep here? Yachter: Absolutely not. (Long pause) Though I might rest my eyes now and then.
  13. I'm digging it. Has a good balance of historical fact, military tactics and blood.
  14. Went to Autozone over the weekend. Everytime I said something or asked a question he responded with "copy that." Must have been around a dozen godamn times. I could feel my eyelid start twitching toward the end. Motherfucker we aren't NASA pilots, we're just two dudes talking car parts. Stop that shit.
  15. This was really good. I've lived in Chicago, have family friends that are CPD, and always understood them to be fucking corrupt. But this is next level shit. Movie left me with mixed feelings. First, the treatment of African Americans in that time period absolutely deserved an intense response; what else were they supposed to do, just let the CPD run rampant over their lives? However when one para military organization starts shooting at/killing members of a larger para military organization, things are going to go south quick. Revolutions are violent. BP wasn't prepared. They should have figured out a way to fight back without shooting cops. The history here is horrible. How people were treated, how an American can be assassinated by the government without recourse. It's a story that needed to be told, especially for people that weren't aware of it, like me.
  16. Really enjoyed the Pele documentary. Always heard him referred to as the GOAT, but never knew any of his history. Dude started kicking ass at 16 and never looked back.
  17. I'm going down the rabbit hole. Just found a Norwegian country music station (Lyrics in Norwegian, I guess). Also there was a Farmer's Insurance commercial on a station in Ibiza (in English). * Website must imbed ads during your listening pleasure - I don't think Post University is advertisting on an Indian station *
  18. The Investigation is pretty interesting. Danish show about a real murder.
  19. ^^ Follow up, the shop sussed everything out in a couple of hours. Had a funny back and forth with the mechanic: Him: Things were loose all over the place. Who the hell you have working on this thing? Me: Some dumbass, forget his name. Him: Well, don't use him anymore. Me: Hell no.
  20. Watched that in the back of a pick up in a drive in theater. Still holds up.
  21. On the road again ... Well kind of, if getting towed to the shop is on the road. Initial start up was a comedy of errors. Let's take a look shall we? Thermostat gasket leak (fixed) Fuel sending unit gasket leak (fixed) Tranny cooling line leak (fixed) Oil filter leak (fixed) Brake line leak (not fixed, under the MC, unreachable) Then when I start the car to drive to the muffler shop, car won't go into gear, so something is up with the tranny linkage. So I turn the car off and the key is stuck in the ignition switch and the car won't turn off. Fuck it, I pull the battery cables off and call AAA to come get this motherfucker. I'm done. Let the pros wrap it up and then I will truly be on the road again.
  22. We went to Rome a few years ago and visited the Sistine Chapel. One of the ceiling panels was "The Drunkenness of Noah." I guess after getting off the Ark his first order of business was planting a vineyard and getting plastered. Makes sense. Anyway the panel shows him laying on the ground, shitfaced, and without any clothes. His sons are around him, embarrassed and laughing at him. For some reason I had a strange sense of kinship with him.
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