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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. I’m glad Mayra Flores lost. She was so stupid.
  2. Clarence Thomas is the ultimate troll. The guy is a black as can be, but his politics and viewpoints line up with some crazed hard right white power esque minority hating racist cruel motherfucker. I can’t wait until this guy retires. I hope it becomes personally necessary for him to do so as soon as possible, but will probably have to wait awhile.
  3. Can you remind us about the implications of Moore vs. Harper? Some people were thinking it could be shot down by the court because North Carolina GOP is going to resolve their map dispute after they won control of the NC Supreme Court during the 2022 elections. I was told Moore vs. Harper could somehow stop democrats from fixing Wisconsin’s egregiously gerrymandered maps, which would suck after dems fought so hard to win the Supreme Court in that state.
  4. I guess I was waiting for Texas to at least decriminalize possession, but will probably have to wait until potty Patrick dies or retires. I’ll bring some pre-rolls home from my next Seattle trip.
  5. I’ve thought about bringing stuff home from Portland or Seattle before. I know that there’s no risk to getting caught at the airport or in the check line when boarding in friendly territory (west coast states). My only concern and the thing that made me not bring stuff back was when you land, you are temporarily vulnerable. The airport says those dogs walking around are looking for bombs, but can you trust it? I’d hate somehow getting caught between the tarmac and my car. It seems like a low chance, but I guess it’s possible.
  6. In regard to recreational: Minnesota was a pleasant surprise this year. Delaware seemed inevitable. Hawaii seems to be struggling to get on the same page despite finally having a governor who will support it, but they have that governor for 8 years presumably so it should be only a matter of time. New Hampshire was close, but some state house dems / reps who previously voted for legalization in the house inexplicably voted against it in the senate. New Hampshire and Hawaii feel inevitable, but it won’t be this year. I keep hoping North Dakota and South Dakota will let us vote on it every election cycle, but conservatives have started to take aim at ballot initiatives because they don’t like everyday people getting a say on anything. Medical is a lot more difficult to read. There are some folks trying to get it on the ballot in deep red states in 2024, but those states “Nebraska and Idaho” have thwarted efforts in the past by using court technicalities and other bullshit. It’s frustrating that si much has to go right to change a shitty 50 year old law that is firmly entrenched. We have to gather signatures, get them approved, not have a governor hostile to marijuana, not have state courts throw out the petition, then actually win the vote on Election Day. Oh well….. hopefully 2024 brings lots of wins. I just don’t know as of yet where they might come from.
  7. If by selling "weed" you mean sell you shit that can get you higher than a cats ass; Yes. In gas stations even. "Actual weed" that term has gotten a bit complicated; I generally just buy in Cali or CO as I'm a low dosage, particular strains kind of user. Do you drive it back? What route do you take? See lots of cops?
  8. I just want to get to that day where there won’t be an election to replace him if he has to step down so republicans will stop doing their annoying “welfare” checks and demands on him.
  9. How soon does the GOP move the goal posts or start talking about boys and girls showering together or white washing history? Whackos
  10. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/08/new-york-redistricting-00101090 cmon New York. Do the right thing this time.
  11. https://www.cookpolitical.com/analysis/house/redistricting/surprise-scotus-alabama-ruling-huge-win-democrats-civil-rights-groups anyone have cooks? Wish I could see behind the pay wall
  12. This should offset republican super gerrymanders in Ohio and North Carolina.
  13. I hope this Cleta Mitchell suffers a terrible accident of some kind. The world would be better off without the architect of the “trump really did win 2020” idea.
  14. Are career fairs an effective way to bypass the resume bots? Just trying to help brainstorm for people who are stuck.
  15. Could be people are ditching DoorDash or instacart for W-2 jobs?
  16. Is the jump to 3.7% from 3.4% bad or concerning at all?
  17. Isn’t Georgia’s medical marijuana program as worthless as Texas? Just the weird Cbd oil shit.
  18. Minnesota is pretty much a done deal. Just need governor to sign. 23 down and 27 to go
  19. Texas is one of the dumbest states in the country. They exacerbate that fact by not having term limits. Now we Texans are stuck with loser candidates like Abbott, potty Patrick, and indictment Paxton who have no national prospects and nothing to move up to. What do these guys do? They treat our statewide positions like seats in US Congress. We could be stuck with these asshats for another 10-15 years because no term limits. What a shitty state we live in.
  20. Rush limbaugh potty patrick Clarence Thomas mitch McConnell ted cruz all of their deaths will be celebratory occasions. You were in Wisconsin when they caught Dahmer? Crazy.
  21. I bet Matt Gaetz has been tapping it. Now she’s filing for divorce. They always walk around on Capitol Hill together. Smells like a work affair.
  22. A retirement or death will come……..someday lol
  23. Bathroom Dan effectively kills gaming expansion and marijuana reform in another session.
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