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Everything posted by immamac

  1. So in the forum root there are 3 buttons at the top. The far right one is fluid mode. Its a combined thread view very similar to tapatalk. You can add and remove boards as well and sort by latest comment etc.
  2. Did either of you try fluid mode?
  3. Yeah I’ve used both. Tapatalk is actually ass tier.
  4. Going to move to video games when relevant. Let’s start planning and building out teams divisions etc. we will play simultaneously throughout the season on livestream with surly horns announcers casting. We will tie this to NIL somehow but looking for ideas on league structure etc. do we accept teams with up to 3 years of dynasty under their belts etc. Want this to be fun and meaningful for the winners and would love to incorporate student athletes as makes sense. would a players only league be fun for yall to watch and cast? (Adjacent to a user league) would yall want a league where you are playing a mix of student athletes and surly users? All thoughts welcome.
  5. immamac

    SXSW 2024

    I will be here. Anyone else going or wanna meet up? I plan on getting completely shithoused.
  6. So what in hearing is we need some “I am Highly Regarded” shirts with the surly logo on them? Black with burnt orange letter and logo?
  7. Yet there is no mechanism for accountability on something this bad. Like how the fuck does the FCC not need to put out a statement correcting a public official who intentionally lies like this over public airwaves. I get that inaccuracies and whatever are hard, but this is straight up a lie from a sitting elected official on nationally broadcast television. There should be some type of accountability otherwise anyone can just go on tv and say whatever they want.
  8. I seriously have no idea how these people got elected. Who are the people who vote for this clown?
  9. What exactly is easier to use?
  10. We can likely get something up by next week and start shipping within the month. What other logos would yall like to see? Burnt Ends ones?
  11. sorry for today's hiccup. Someone decided it would be hilarious to spam the leaderboard on the browse function and loaded it up with a about a thousand queries that backed up the database and caused a few hiccups due to reaching max connections and then never completed because they were all shitting on eachother to try to do something. that was a fun little exercise to clean up.
  12. riverside_try_tip money shot_surly_horns studio.mp4
  13. I mean I personally think the cleaver is badass.
  14. Here is a bunch of stuff we got done, want to get feedback and/or want to know what other kinds of stuff people would want. I'm going to set up a store in the next week or so. At least 20% of all merch sales are going to go to NIL.
  15. Definitely need to figure out the stream thing a bit more but will upload the raw asap.
  16. Follow us on tik tok, Instagram, youtube whatever all our shit is dropping now. https://www.tiktok.com/@surlyhorns https://www.youtube.com/@surlyhorns
  17. 650B in private and foreign investment for American (semiconductor) manufacturing facilities
  18. We are exporting American products and creating American jobs. Right here in America where they belong. MADE WITH AMERICAN PRODUCTS BUILT BY AMERICAN WORKERS
  21. Joe should quit now he’s got Mike Johnson clapping. sweden NATO went smooth smooth.
  22. Mike Johnson guilted to clap hahahahahaha
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