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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. I spent a week with a team doing prompt engineering and building transformers on a LLM foundation model for a travel industry use case this week. Long story short, my wife had to pick up another on-call week and so I’m sitting here wondering how one would correlate a mom’s name to predict the probability that she would become involved in a CPS case. So while my wife is on a conference call with LEOs and field workers due to this hour’s train respective train wreck, I quietly explain my thinking to my daughter and end it with my strip club announcer voice “Let’s give it up for Cinnamon!!!!!! She is headed to the VIP room” So then my daughter starts wondering what male names are the most common for dads who end up with a case called in against them. And no, FBI, Im not about to see if I can find an API to run against the state’s data warehouse.
  2. It’s a fine line between pushing yourself to new personal performance levels using proper form compared to attempting to adhere to a linear program.
  3. He even admits that Johnny Football helped make Texags. Nate was the only slightly redeeming character in the whole show because he admitted what everyone else knew all along. And possibly the agent. And maybe his sister. But Bowtie still looks as punchable as ever.
  4. My wife and my stepmom spent a few hours on the phone tonight, and it looks like I’m buying my late father’s house as stepmom wants to downsize. I’m totally cool with it, dad was a builder and built it custom for himself. I love the house and it’s on the best piece of real estate in town. On a private gated road, at the edge of city limits next to city owned wetland so there is no chance of development. Even the wooden lookouts supporting the front porch are cut in the shape of redfish, and it comes with an air conditioned shop and tackle room. But now my wife and her best friend (a professional) are in full decorator mode so here we go. But I’m looking forward to this.
  5. Just be careful with the military press. That’s how I ruptured my bicep tendon and ended up getting my bicep muscle fished out from down near my elbow and my shoulder rebuilt. It’s a great workout plan just adapt it to your specific capabilities and don’t look at the progression as a straight line. Expect to add more weight faster on some exercises than others. But as far as getting comfortable lifting free weights, the simplicity and repetition is wonderful.
  6. And a well-tended stick burner so that said donors can prepare their kill and feast on succulent smoked long pig. Macronutrients are macronutrients, amirite?
  7. Not gonna spoiler the long cat VICE article that Dixon quoted, but on the example of labor exploitation at nail salons that is mentioned, the real question is, do I take a large bucket of popcorn with me to eat while I watch someone of Asian decent give me a pedicure? If that is labor exploitation then every woman and some men I know are guilty of supporting it.
  8. A few weeks ago one of my engineers offered to give me a lift from our corporate office to my hotel. It was a mile, so not terribly far - but once I cleared a place to sit in his hoarder-mobile he turned on some podcast where I first heard about adrenochrome. “Yeah, they scare little kids and harvest their adrenochrome and drink it!” I was so shocked by the notion and thankfully the drive was so short (just across the Dallas North tollway) that I didn’t explore his position on the matter. Other than I’m terrified of him. Fundamentally, I’m simply naive. Thankfully this forum helps.
  9. I got tricked into going to see it by my wife and MIL - not because they are nutters but because my wife works for the state and unfortunately does have to remove kids from households where children are sexually assaulted. Mom’s boyfriend needs drug money and becomes a pimp, teenager meets older dude online and runs away (Remember the adventures of Jade, the teen shagster related to Big Tony who was “discovered” by a talent scout?). So while sexual crimes against children are a very real thing, I had no idea about the movie’s production and only a vague recollection about Cavaziel’s history. And I had just had eye surgery and it was 105 outside so I was just happy to be in a theatre. The theatre was full of old white people. Some clapped at the end. I simply walked out of the theatre thinking what the actual fuck, in what world does any of this make sense. Then I discovered this thread and it all clicked.
  10. The boy got his promotion board heads up, he's gonna be a Captain soon.
  11. I've done 5x5 and I love the simplicity and effects it but I agree on getting a trainer. The overhead press part of the 5x5 - be careful. I had an Olympic bar with maybe 15 lbs on each side so a total of 75lbs, a warm up set, and ruptured my bicep tendon and an orthopedic surgeon had to go fish it out from near my elbow. Wear and tear on the shoulder. But the row, deadlift, bench and squats, especially if you start light and focus on form, are amazing. If I had to pick one exercise for the rest of my life it would be the squat. But the squat rack, Olympic bar, and just lifting weights is awesome.
  12. Honestly, I was way more impressed that I envisioned, architected, built, and opened my own theme park that hot celebrities wanted to visit. Next week I get my hormone pellets and my dreams will adjust accordingly.
  13. I forgot they used to let you BYOB! My first buffet concert was astroworld, a dude stands up on the lawn with a liter of everclear and waves it around. An hour later EMS carries him out on a stretcher.
  14. That's not how it works, it goes to the next person on the upgrade list. In this case, an active military member. Plus we had the first row behind first with all the legroom so no big deal.
  15. I'm about to leave for Houston for a medical procedure (cataract surgery) and had trouble sleeping so I took a 5mg valium at midnight. What followed was a fever dream where I built an Americana (think American Pickers) themed amusement park and Sela and her family came to the opening and I spent all day with her trying to get an acceptable selfie, the entire time thinking “Brisket is gonna think this is so cool, I wish he were here!” while acting appropriately nonplussed. For the record, she and her family were cool and down-to-earth as could be, at least in my dream.
  16. Families with small kids were told they could board between A and B. Fatass lazy adults who knew how to game the system boarded ahead of A with the truly disabled. Meanwhile on an AA flight the next week I turned down an upgrade to first to sit with my wife. (our reservations weren't linked, as we were meeting at an airport midway into a trip, and I'm the one with status.)
  17. First thing the DOE did when Ted Kennedy died was greenlight offshore wind power projects off the coast of Hyannisport, or at least that's the legend.
  18. I didn't realize “refundable vs non-refundable” was a thing. I figured that was why they offered travel insurance as an add-on. I fronted our last beach trip AirBNB and the other dad showed up with an envelope full of Benjamins and my beef with him was why couldn't he just zelle me like an adult.
  19. Not the best playlist, but I'll tolerate it while beach or river sitting.
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