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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. I can't get my wife and her friends to quit singing this.
  2. When Prigozhin took his leave of Masha, he instructed her to “Be nicer ,” owing to the dour expression on her face, she said. “Even with my insane personality, selling my virginity to Prigozhin was a bit over the top,” she said. “Anyway, I felt really down. I remember that day I was thinking about not being late for a doctor’s appointment at the psychiatric hospital.”
  3. My daughter did the same. She had to get far away from her mom. Her first year was covered by enough to offset the costs of being out of state. Plus she bartended so my out of pocket was manageable. She lived in the sorority house her 2nd year and it was very cool, a huge mansion, a house mom who enforced decorum, and a full-service dining room with great food. All in all I was very pleased with the setup. Granted, I was appalled by what I saw at frat parties but the Kappa house was like walking into a nice country club parlor. Even after she moved into an apartment she still took meals at the house, and they were serious about having the highest GPA on campus and participating in campus events. She had a big sis who was a positive influence and then went on to mentor others. The girls took care of their own, which is how she got jobs at decent restaurants and bars and still graduated Magna Cum Laude. All in all I was very pleased, and though I didn't spend a dime on a consultant it didn't hurt that she was reigning Miss Tennessee which cost me quite a bit but that's a whole other story. Tl;Dr lesson one, be attractive. Also make sure your starter wife/baby momma is a psychopath that raises overachievers. Raises the laid-back cool dad factor.
  4. I sent the screenshot from the WSJ article to my daughter with “looks like I dodged a bullet” and she replied lol oh don't worry, you paid plenty. That said, she has Kappa sisters for life.
  5. Just wrote a nice email to this shitbag and will be writing a check for Dade. 
  6. My valuation popped by 28% over what I paid within the last year. I protested, sent them a copy of my contract, and the day before my hearing they sent a proposal for about a 5% increase and I decided to accept.
  7. Right. I actually know the one on the left. She's cool but hates men, particularly James Cameron.
  8. BearSchlong


    I agree 100%. First thing I did was check my own firearms.
  9. BearSchlong


    Oh shit, I just realized I'm in Cloak Room. My bad.
  10. BearSchlong


    According to what I've heard today, the grandfather would gladly give his own life if it meant he could rewind to before the accident.
  11. BearSchlong


    Nacogdoches, right now. Grandfather pulled the mag but forgot to clear the chamber, and he thought he had stored it out of reach. 2 yr old shot himself in the eye but exit was at an angle to where they think he has a good chance to live. Leo on scene said it is the single most common gun accident scenario. This happens to be the week at my house where the phone rings everytime a kid in Texas dies of non-natural causes.
  12. That's awesome man. As someone who went from a 42 to a 32/33 that is one satisfying feeling.
  13. Yeah but for people watching, next to the window at Boudro’s.
  14. Was just shooting the shit with this old guy who works at the admirals club at DFW. He says “you fix 100 cars they call you a mechanic. You build 100 houses they call you a home builder.” Then he waited a beat and said “but you suck just one cock. . .”
  15. I could definitely live in Kure beach. Nice place.
  16. Omg that's a great pic. What my wife wishes she could say to my ex
  17. On a plane right now headed to family beach vacation with wife, both kids, son’s wife and her parents and brothers and their wives/fiance's. 12, 7 of whom are aggy. I've already done my recon and found 7am meetings in Wilmington NC which is where I'll visit while they sleep in. Sunday morning there is a sunrise meeting that supposedly is held on a gazebo on the beach overlooking the Atlantic. AA in TX is a small world; I was at a speaker meeting in Lewisville on Monday and ran into a few guys who were visiting that I've known since my first summer of sobriety, we actually serve on the board of our home conference and they were friends of my dad for 29 years til he died sober. And YGIFS genetics aren't an excuse but the modeled behavior carries weight. When I was a kid my dad was my hero, and as such I couldn't wait to get my very own 5pm tumblers full of ice and Dewar’s because in my impressionable mind that was completely normal behavior.
  18. Looks like a compromise, though. I assume they are veto proof.
  19. Wow, thank you for such a detailed reply. And for giving my wife a list of places to occupy her internet for a few days.
  20. I had credits to burn and a very expensive ticket (thanks, dynamic pricing!) so I flew LUV. It puts American back into perspective. I suspect 75% of these people have never sat in a wheelchair until today. And I really enjoyed the “no, your boarding pass doesn’t say medical pre-board, get your ass back in line and wait for me to call boarding group C” show from the WN agents.
  21. Having difficulty controlling and enjoying your drinking? I know that feeling. Pm me if you want, I’d love to chat about it. I land at 1 central and will have some drive time if you want to talk.
  22. Bump. Headed to Kure beach south of Wilmington for a big family vacation this weekend, mainly because it’s convenient for my son and his wife to meet us from Ft. Bragg. Any recommendations?
  23. Got there yesterday at 6:30am, had to clear my head before my nephew’s funeral. Had a brisk walk up which is impossible later in the day when it gets crowded. Between the funeral and the banquet, I drove my daughter around downtown and she people gawked. Also, edibles in Portland are about 20% of what they cost in Chicago. I don’t partake but I’m happy to take some home for my wife and her friends.
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