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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. Ha I forgot about that! Awesome.
  2. Now if Taylor wears a Biden t-shirt to the podium my weekend will be complete.
  3. Ballgame, Taylor wins in her rookie year.
  4. I'm a Mahomes fan forever. I give no fucks.
  5. I think we need a tie game. Let's make some heads explode.
  6. Can't see shit, captain. What was it?
  7. Laundry service at the local laundromat was awesome when I was living in a garage apartment during my divorce. Drop-off and pickup was easy.
  8. I'm done. Every goddamned day the rhetoric gets boosted. I'm getting triggered by the simple act of checking my fucking mail. 
  9. This simulation…the day the orange man dies I will be raptured. One of the people in the photos with Dade just had a grandson named after my father (his daughter is married to former democrat state rep Mark Stiles’ son, for chrissake) another donated $350K to my non-profit to support the homeless, and another has done more to help the wives of alcoholics than anyone else I know. These people aren't serious politicos. If anything they are a rich white people social club. So I can reluctantly forgive the Cruz buttons. Meanwhile…
  10. What Dell or other model 43” monitors have the best resolution for text? And are they flat or curved?
  11. That very proud owner put his brand-new Turner on top of a metal-tipped submerged bridge piling on its inaugural trip. Ouch.
  12. I'm a fan of AG Tellis cut, because I suffer from assless white guy disease. But Todd Snyder is some good-looking stuff.
  13. My cousin’s kids tremble at the mention of “Mr. Spoon.”
  14. This ad is on loop on ABC. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/house-speaker-dade-phelan-fights-back-against-some-texas-republicans.amp Yesterday CPS removed some very young kids from a truly stomach-turning, uphauling situation, and Mrs. Dade Phelan was appointed ad litem. She does the lord’s work. If I worked for the state I'd just go around pistol-whipping and kneecapping motherfuckers all day long for their sins against the innocent. Think Russian war crimes equivalent evil, except in Texas. Replete with AK-47s. My wife just commented “fuck, if Dade ever cheated on Kim that ad would be the end of him.”
  15. I don’t know, but in southeast Texas, Dade Phelan is trying to run to the right of his primary challengers. And it’s fucking hilarious. TV spots with a low-angle camera shot of him with a private Pyle-like psychotic leer, emptying a semiautomatic pistol into what I can only guess is a mass of imaginary brown people. 11”x17” glossy mailers in the mailbox EVERY DAY, including pleas from Rick Perry to reelect a Texas hero. I can’t wait to see the Trump-backed David Covey flame out. IRL Dade is about as laid-back country club Republican as they come, so this MAGA cosplay is amusing.
  16. They run that promo every year, you’re right. I ended up with around 120 nights last year between me and my wife even though we physically stayed about 50.
  17. So 44 previous presidents served their terms and stepped away without being indicted. Hmmm
  18. Not surprising, he wasn’t quoted directly. https://archive.org/details/sim_saturday-evening-post_1943-11-06_216_19/page/88/mode/1up
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