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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. But you keep saying that will never happen so death by cancer is my vote.
  2. So what would be on the list of exports that meet that criteria? Vodka Caviar Mail order brides Lumber Nesting dolls Ballet Performance Enhancing Drugs Hockey Players
  3. Kellye is her husband's name? Kellye SoRelle does have a little je ne se quio. I read it as kell-ye so-rell-e
  4. I know NAFO is getting all the love these days but some respek for the OG Dog, Patron
  5. yeah, missed out on perfect seats here last night because I was at the Austin FC game.
  6. But did they? The fact they got a search warrant and went back to get the rest is kinda proof they did not accept it as indication of compliance with the subpoena.
  7. In severe cases it can end in suicide due to the impact on the psyche. We can hope.
  8. Stealing from St. Jude's Children's hospital. 5 years old but now he is not president anymore. Some of those new IRS agents should get on this.
  9. What’s the problem? We’re on our second straight week of nonstop rain.
  10. My neighbor uses tabs exclusively and this spring he told me he could not kill the algae in his pool no matter what he did. I told him I suspected it was too much CYA from using tabs that was binding up his chlorine and preventing him from getting to shock levels that would kill the algae. He needed to drain water and refill to bring CYA back under 80 or push Free Chlorine into the upper 20s. I offered to test the water but he declined. Never told me if that was right but I’d put a bottle of Scotch on it.
  11. Trying to take my 3 kids before their sports block any other opportunities. If you have 5 I may take it too. in Austin please DM
  12. Bolded. Why are they putting it on you to press charges? They need cover or something? This was a crime they have irrefutable evidence of, they should be filing charges unless you beg them not to.
  13. I hear she has a direct source for the Novichok nerve agent that got Navalny.
  14. LOL. I have a bridge to sell you. Only the best people, he takes advice from only the best people. His freaking criminal defense team is staffed by Insurance lawyers who seem to be selected based solely bra size. Kid should had said, "Ghislaine Maxwell gave me this address."
  15. I have that rifle too. It came with a 60s era Leupold Mk4 3x. Was great until I started hunting facing the sunset and the glare meant I had to get better glass so I got a Leupold 3-9x40. Pretty much leave it on about 4x.
  16. I’ve gotten some reactions on this that made me look at it again. I forgot to add these interesting facts. He lived into his late 90s All 4 of his children served or were spouses of military. 2 AF, 1 Army and 1 USMC He grew up in a small town in SE Kansas. When my mom and his son married he met my maternal grandma. They were from the same town and when teenagers he befriended my grandmother’s older brother who was deaf at a time when most people thought it was retardation.
  17. About time. Can we also set a standard for the House?
  18. Yeah, but it is still an electoral college thing. Any discussion on this that does not look at the swing states and EC counts is wasted time. Would she pull enough votes from Trump in Ohio to put it in Biden's column, for example. Trump will win the Maga States like Texas, Wyoming and Florida
  19. It will be the next Hitler/Elvis/Tupac/JFK jr. conspiracy theory of "He's not dead, he's living in South America until he can come back to crush the deep state. Watch for the next update by Q , Michael Flynn or the MyPillow guy."
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