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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. TexasEd

    The Border

    Was that also Steve Kornacki behind him?
  2. Exactly. They got away with Russian Collusion, Ukrainian Extortion and so far an attempted Coup. Are they going to bring charges against Barr?
  3. Cross posting from Switch thread: Anyone have Civilization for the Switch? We have an old version, Revolutions, for the PS3 my 9 year old son loves to play. He wants to play head to head or partner with me in the game and we have two switches. I know v6 is much more complex than the version we currently have. Thoughts/comments on: Suitability for 9 year old. Can you chose a simple mode that does not overwhelm him with choices as he learns it? Multiplayer cooperative or competitive Overall game play/value. Price dropped significantly recently. I think they are getting ready to announce a new version. For us I think getting 2 copies of the old version might be better.
  4. Anyone have Civilization for the Switch? We have an old version, Revolutions, for the PS3 my 9 year old son loves to play. He wants to play head to head or partner with me in the game and we have two switches. I know the later versions are much more complex than the version we currently have. Thoughts/comments on: Suitability for 9 year old Multiplayer cooperative or competitive Overall game play/value. Price dropped significantly recently. I think they are getting ready to announce a new version. For us I think getting 2 copies of the old version might be better.
  5. Thought this might be the best place to post this. Is everyone’s CNN feed like this now or does CNN think I’m black?
  6. I’ve told it here and at Shaggy before. I worked 1 block away at the time. I have video too.
  7. I hope he releases the part where they find a penis pump in his sock drawer.
  8. I remember this in real time. My job used to revolve around stuff like this and it was a huge shock to everyone in the community that the info we had on Iranian capabilities and even worse our ability to collect information (sources and methods) was so unceremoniously thrown away.
  9. TIL: Did not know the dark prince of BBQ had passed. RIP Think I'll go pour out a Lone Star (Nah I'll drink it in his memory)
  10. What do you call nuts on the wall? walnuts. What do you call nuts on your chest? chestnuts What do you call nuts on your chin?
  11. Exactly. It was classified because it would harm the United States if it was released. That the information is restricted also makes it valuable for monetary and extortion purposes. If it was released on wikileaks it is still valuable to hurt the US but loses the monetary and extortion purposes. The documents were stolen from DC. The initial crime was committed in DC. Storing it illegaly, sharing the information or trying to sell it may have been done in FL but it could be argued that they intended to do those crimes when they stole it. Could make for an interesting jurisdiction case.
  12. Going to edit a few of these quotes to limit to Gravy Seals and Militias The following refers to the police limiting the efforts of fascist militias The BIG difference between 2017-2020 and now is that the right wing terror groups are back on the active watch list as opposed to part of the Trump machine. No-one in the Biden administration is going to tell the guys from Charlottesville that there were good people on both sides or call on the Proud Boys to stand by. We are seeing those groups infiltrated and taken down on their way to protests and counter-protests. The locals may not be protecting civil rights of people on the left but the Feds are watching. There are enough of the militia leaders going to jail over 1/6 with a few getting the 8 year sentences. Hopefully there is more to come as far as taking down these groups from the inside.
  13. Yeah, global warming is becoming more popular for the Russians and Chinese.
  14. Carnival Barker: Ignore the guy picking your pocket. Look over there we caught a snitch!
  15. Allegedly, Lauren Bobert knows how to use Seeking Arrangement to suck cock for money. Allegedly
  16. I suspect that some of it could have been incriminating evidence like the call logs he put on servers no-one had access too (Ukraine extorsion calls) and maybe he had other calls where he made offers to foreign governments to sell out the US or there were files that intercepted Mike Flynn arranging illegal deals. Maybe videos of Gaetz with 16 year old girls. The pee tapes the Russians were using to extort him. I hope it takes down more than just Trump. Flynn, Navarro, Gaetz, Meadows, the turtle and McCarthy all need to go down.
  17. Signals Intelligence or (SIGINT) is collection of messages from adversaries. Releasing that let's them know we are intercepting it and they can take measures to thwart future interceptions and it cost a lot of time and money to intercept again if you can defeat their new security methods. ELINT is Electronics intelligence and is related to the interception and processing of electronic signature information that can give clues to the type and origin of equipment being monitored. If the adversary know which parts of the signal we are looking at for the fingerprint of their devices they can change it or create spoofing to confuse our systems or operators. Francisco 2.0 hit the nail on several of the concerns. Doing this stuff takes a long time and if they know it they either send us bad info through the channels, change their methods and we lose it for a long time or it takes a lot of time and money to get back in.
  18. If you are a petty dictator whose main goal is suppression of domestic opposition they may still be a viable supplier if they can ever restart the production lines. Otherwise I think China will step in, they give no fucks about human rights either. Just ask the Uyghurs. They are definitely making a push on engaging in a land war in Asia territory Ukraine looking at Russia be like: How many washing machines have they sent? So Putin is President Snow?
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