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Everything posted by staboner

  1. uhh thats telling. but why are you there in the first place? if i am flying anywhere close to this side of the world I'd be asking what the fucking flight route is. i am sure the people on that plane are nervous as fuck. hope russia doesn't false flag a commercial airliner. goddamn
  2. yeah man. i think the fear is death from the big guns and then rape and pillage from the drunk kids that come a following. i can't even imagine the fucking anxiety of having the drunk and disorderly russian army bearing down on me. a sound guerilla strategy will defeat the drunks. its the big weapons that will kill lots of people. as we know
  3. APAC morning crew checking in. Not liking what I am seeing. Man I feel for the poor fucking people of Ukraine. I feel like we are sacrificing them to hold off an even bigger, and inevitable problem.
  4. homie across the beer table was like "40 years full of whateverSwedishnursing you need" in exchange for a few shitty days and a wee bit of anal rape to end it. considerations.
  5. staboner


    those trump comments. dude is either the world's most prolific troll or a moron. i never thought it possible to be both but maybe thats actually it.
  6. good fucking answer ^. imma go grab these paperclips on my desk and toss em out the window great read catching up. gotta agree with LL's heavy take on China winning so much here. future trade bitch + mini war game at no cost to them. Yikes. China is the real problem as we know. Russia is a dog with rabbies aids and we need to let them die off slowly with minimal collateral damage Not sure I fully liked Biden's remarks but I understand lots of that is forcibly scripted from a team of advisors Party on Garth
  7. morning APAC crew checking in. how we rolling homies? I see Judge is threatening fools with abortion mines. thats festive. What time is it in Tejas again?
  8. china has so much to gain by just letting this CF go down as it appears it is. and that a real motherfucking problem, as we know
  9. i don't know man. if history tells us anything its that these calls can certainly carry on a bit
  10. in soviet russia small pond fishes big and that is all they have been for some time. their only time of being a superpower is when both sides of them collapsed because of an american ass kicking. they've been backpedaling ever since. i think the entire american handling here is making this small dicked putin feel bigly. i think the way this is going down is great honestly. big deal in troubled country of Ukraine. whoopdy fucking doo. just keep those nukes down and let vlad jerk off to his missile porn for the next few days. if he still invades its a bloody mess and you just let him marinate in all its glory. put cameras everywhere. make it horrifying. something something something China doesn't want to invade Taiwan any longer profit.
  11. The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.
  12. a hugely successful economy thinking short term while the underachieving society with absolute control measures in place thinks long term. the shit is written. match made in heaven. absolutely agree, if we had any mid to long term brains at all we would have worked to stabilize Mexico and CA and get more of our shit made there. drugs, people, ideologies, location, whatever. we took the best bid on the market at the time. it is what it is.
  13. some sensitive motherfuckers on page 39 i tell you what
  14. lulz. why is the manufacturer held responsible? on the surface that seems stupid, but when you fail to enact any logical change to any laws or regulations for decade after decade - you end up with dumb shit. if you just had proper licensing and registration, and responsible marketing, the point of legal responsibility would be the retailer i would assume, but alas, America fixing nothing and the beat rolls on.
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