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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mittens

  1. Ha! I knew surly would come through for me! Thanks y'all!
  2. I'm sure zero people are surprised she ended up in this thread.
  3. Very interesting. I definitely did not know there was a longer version. I should have snapped a pic. Still feel like what I saw was longer than that - like double the length of the OG. It felt almost like looking at a WW2 bomber from a fuselage perspective. I'm sure someone will show up w/ logs and it will be that J model though.
  4. Hoping some of you aficionados can help identify a pair of planes I saw at ABIA yesterday around 12:15. Spotted as I was in line to drop off, so they were on the West Runway, going North. I'm pretty good with almost all military aircraft, but didn't recognize these so I'm thinking foreign or some random prop plane that just isn't in regular rotation. Definitely military, as they were that kinda grey, kinda OD green, and no visible markings. Best way I can describe is a stretched out C130? Longer than a Herc, with a huge vertical stabilizer. Is there a public logbook with all planes in/out of ABIA?
  5. NTA, but if you can upgrade your shitty fence for a nice fence for free...or a little cash too...then that sounds like a win.
  6. Or, you can just google it. https://www.nytimes.com/1983/10/08/us/booming-austin-fears-it-will-lose-its-charms.html
  7. Watched this earlier today. Not gonna lie - it had me choked up multiple times. 5 guys from Australia bike the same path that the Joad family travelled in The Grapes of Wrath.
  8. Speaking of Deion/CU/Jackson State....I went down that rabbit hole this afternoon looking at who is going where and I'm hoping one of y'all who follows Houston HSFB can help me out here... How does PJ Hatter only have offers from HBCUs? Kid has outstanding numbers, per his Hudl and MaxPreps. Good size at 6'2" and 185. What's the deal w/ no FBS offers and no ratings at all? https://247sports.com/player/pj-hatter-46112955/ https://www.on3.com/db/pj-hatter-96723/recruiting/124351/interests/ https://www.maxpreps.com/tx/houston/westfield-mustangs/athletes/preston-hatter/?careerid=nqj0di86a9dtd https://www.hudl.com/profile/14892663/Preston-Hatter
  9. Fair enough, but you'll have to refresh my memory as it's been a minute... That wasn't Carmen's plan all along, was it? He was broke until the last 15 minutes of the show, yes? I absolutely could have missed/forgotten that plot line, but I don't recall an overarching goal of turning The Beef into a high end eatery. My recollection is that he was trying to keep it afloat, clean it up, make it more efficient so that it was profitable.
  10. Watched this last year, and have popped into this thread every now and then to see what others are catching. I worked in restaurants from 14-28, ranging from sub shops (not Subway - a solo/family type operation), to hospital kitchens, to Tex-Mex, to fine-ish dining w/ actual head chef/sous chef/baker etc. My biggest issue w/ the show is there's no need for a chef structure at a hot beef spot and zero reason for Carmen to be making the extra recipes. No reason for the stress going on - the place has like 3 things on the menu and seating for like 10? 15? It should be easy as fuck to run it. Chicken piccata? Short ribs and risotto? Chilean sea bass? WTF?
  11. Wasn't a fan either, as while I rarely need 1lb of carrots, I never need 2lbs. Mine has the loosies though, and 3-4 is usually what I need anyway.
  12. In case you need to know when to boo at who. https://www.instagram.com/boo_at_the_mood
  13. I don't know what the NBA thinks Ja is taking, but they're probably onto something. My personal theory is he is a Monstar in disguise. He's certainly not human.
  14. I would, but that isn't analogous to the op, is it? A more apt comparison would be someone going through the 10 item lane with 12 items. No one is suggesting parking in a curbside delivery pickup spot for 2 hours. These didn't even exist a few years ago. They're left over from Covid and avoiding the plague.
  15. The store is delivering the product to the lazy fuck who can't be bothered to walk into the store, but is too poor to have it delivered to their home.
  16. It's simply the designated spot for a curbside delivery. It should sit empty for 23hrs a day? If I was patronizing that store, would I be wrong to use one of those spots and walk in? FWIW, the other spot for pickup was open and I'd guess that half the time I go to that location, there's a big ass delivery truck taking up at least 2 spaces to drop off that round of booze. They aren't some sacred cow of parking, like a HC spot. And yes. It was easier for me to park in that spot and walk the 8 or so spots to the door I went into, than to drive past all of those and flip a u into the next lane to find a parking spot even farther away.
  17. Parked in the Twin Liquors curbside delivery spot today for all of 7 minutes. Hope I didn't inconvenience any of you degenerates who are too lazy to walk into the store for your pint of vodka. One of the spots I grab lunch from, this is really the only option. It's the same cars there every time I go, so I just park behind the 2 closest and run in. Don't even bother w/ the hazards anymore - it's literally under a minute to pick up a to go order. In the 3 years I've been going there, I've never once come back out to anyone waiting for me to move my car. Rules made by corporations for the convenience of a fraction of their clients. Breaking a rule that don't affect anyone 99% of the time doesn't upset the balance of society.
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