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Everything posted by TotallyLegit

  1. what the FUCK are those sunglasses?
  2. When I worked there in college, this was literally my exact go to
  3. The spicy fish at Asia Cafe is badass.
  4. Don't knock bat and Wombat until you've tried them Guess I’ll never knock them then.
  5. If I'm there, I'm skipping the filler and going straight for the Fritos.
  6. Well, I had a dream that necrotic flesh was growing on my leg, so let’s hope only yours comes true.
  7. I've heard South Padre called Roofie Island, which is kinda like Siesta Key, if you think about it.
  8. Pretty sure that's right, because we were all pissed he burned Swoopes' redshirt in that game. Ah, the good ole days.
  9. Not every year. Only in some of the better years this decade. I wish I could rage my own post.
  10. You'll be receiving administrator access to your butthole pretty soon.
  11. Not to be pedantic, but Louisville was not P5 when Charlie was there.
  12. You want to wager that someone here knows a fucking thing? Bold move.
  13. Maybe we need, like, some El Paso BMDs or something.
  14. So, just for the record, this source wasn't related to the good news you received a few weeks ago, right?
  15. Oh, come on, now we have to wait till the end of the NFL season? Next thing you know, UM will be linked to various Legends Football League openings
  16. Yeah, but that’s one hall closet I want to hang my umbrella in.
  17. Yeah, but he’s almost certain. That’s what matters
  18. Been in North Carolina since Thanksgiving, but I’m back in TEXAS. NIGHT CREW MOUNT UP
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