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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Rep in this thread or rep everywhere on Surly?
  2. I would love for somebody to even TRY to come up with a plausible scenario that results in a Trump reelection with the Democrats taking the Senate.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if that bought him some time off.
  4. Who the fuck asked about Tiger King? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
  5. Junior Miller (surly version, not Ticket version) is coming for some of y'all mofos after he greases his wife. Look out!
  6. Goddamn dude if she gets COVID and lives and you divorce her then getting the disease will be the best thing that ever happens to her.
  7. Because I'm so fucking good. That ain't no shit no shit either. I done got me 157 kills and 50 water buffalo too. They were all certified.
  8. Hey guys..... Just popping in to let everyone know the most important aspect to distributing PPE is that we allow the markets to function efficiently so well-connected GOP donors can wring out every last cent of profit!
  9. Have any of these fucking cowards asked about Novartis or Blue Flame?
  10. It's very early for the beaches in Georgia!
  11. Today was not a good day for my #stonks account. 5/15 SPY, DIS, and VNQ puts all took a real beating.
  12. The only authority on the passage of time who I recognize is Rebecca Black: Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday Today it is Friday, Friday (partyin') We-we-we so excited We so excited We gonna have a ball today Tomorrow is Saturday And Sunday comes afterwards I don't want this weekend to end
  13. Man that guy's dog is awesome but otherwise he's a total cunt.
  14. There are a couple theater chains like AMC who were already in seriously deep shit before this that might not make it but I don't think theaters overall are going to go away. People want to get out of the house and that's not going to change after this crap is over.
  15. No no no there is a deep state and they want millions of people to die so that they can get someone else elected this November because that is easier to do than just having a member of their ranks elected to begin with.
  16. and of course it is someone who we see over here on a not infrequent basis.
  17. Somebody on the DT thread: "This shit is getting way too venomous. I'm out!" Somebody else: "YEAH IT'S THOSE CR PEOPLE MAKING IT BAD!!!"
  18. I think Cruiser only lets state senators and high ranking UT officials jerk him off.
  19. So you're saying the Mercy could have been hit by a train?
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