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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Tomorrow is going to be a glorious day for my Disney puts.
  2. I dropped my subscription awhile back. Does that count?
  3. Sneak an order in for a MAR 13 SPY Put at 278 and you can do that by about 8:45 tomorrow morning.
  4. He sounds like me trying to talk after finishing a 5k.
  5. "Early intense action" such as asking if a really solid flu vaccine could take care of things.
  6. Oh man I want him to go off script and flip his shit tonight but like someone said we will get boring medicated sniffly Trump.
  7. My lamest posts are still better than any of the asinine horseshit that dribbles forth from your keyboard.
  8. This is my deal with standard. My first car was manual but I can't imagine dealing with that during my daily commute.
  9. Tonight at Reconsider Loumge, a Hamilton cover band composed of fussy drivers: Lin Manuel Sedan Miranda
  10. Zavala is just some r/the_donald troll. Put him on ignore.
  11. I ran down the road. Pants down to my knees. Screaming "please come help me. That Canadian shaman gave a little to much to me."
  12. This is not the thread for Real Technical Analysis, sir.
  13. Well then you piss off all the Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control and Raytheon folks in Dallas!
  14. Assuming we have a Trump/Biden general election, I would imagine most of us agree that neither one of them is going to hesitate to spread their legs for our corporate overlords so maybe let's call that a wash and try to put someone whose response to a major pandemic isn't going to be "Fuck it! Go to work bruh!" into the Oval Office.
  15. He might be too busy dealing with getting hacked to blame Obama and the dems.
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