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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. Well context of what we’re talking about…..congrats? Your troop leader shouldn’ta done nothin to hurt that boy tho (/slingblade)
  2. Naming it after a year is smart. If I look into the history of man and bourbon, there’s a lot of years. It’s like endless versions!
  3. Austin’s own Icon (3d house printer people) is working with nasa to get a laser to the moon this decade that could melt and shape regolith and create walls and structures. Let’s hope aggy doesn’t get involved.
  4. Yeah it’s tough because as a nation, we fully embraced the space race of the 60’s. Now we fucking hate each other and anything the other side wants/believes in. Artemis could very well be the key to our species surviving but fuck that shit because I shouldn’t have to pay taxes for it, etc etc blah blah.
  5. Mediocre effort, for me at least, but here’s some frozen hill country fair waffle fries that I went all Michelin ass star on just a moment ago. F your Cheetos.
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/s/uZCzaCwzdY
  7. I want to relive my childhood and go on eBay to snatch up entire M-tron space series. Thanks for tossing them when I moved out mom.
  8. I’m pretty sure the instant coffee is meant for oral ingestion only. Moose out front shoulda told ya.
  9. What was binotto doing this whole time? Why didn’t he hire a new strat head?
  10. This is a wormhole from which I may never return.
  11. Can’t let Andretti in though as they obviously won’t be competitive
  12. The best Star Trek movie. Fight me.
  13. Fam wanted breakfast for dinner
  14. Where did I say he didn’t start this thread? You said he invented the thread. This thread has been going for longer than surly has existed. Did he start it on TOS?
  15. Fuck no he didn’t invent this thread. He was merely the first to pick it up over here. “Probably more in shaggy?” It was longer over there and he didn’t start it.
  16. That site gave my phone and my eyeballs the aids.
  17. It’d be fine if there was some originality but constantly spamming the board with the same dozen aggy gifs gets the banhammer. One of the few people I put on ignore.
  18. The H-E-B frozen garlic bread slices have shrunken about 33% from a few months ago.
  19. Demand is slowing down?
  20. They’re contemporary hot too.
  21. They also say bobs your uncle so who knows what they’re talking about.
  22. Anybody here on shaggy can help. We’ve choked lots of chickens.
  23. Had to test the flour too. Crisped up but not near as much as the corn
  24. Massive quads. Doesn’t skip leg day.
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