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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Damnit that was in response to pearlandhorn's post.
  2. I am available for water heater jobs next week. Send me a PM, I'll hook you up.
  3. Are you in Austin? If so, that's a pretty good price. Unless it's in the attic, then it's damn cheap.
  4. How did this bullshit escape the cloak room? Ban this motherfucker
  5. This guy understands the true spirit of the thread.
  6. I live outside the city limits but fuck 'em.
  7. Ahhh, canned chili in the Mac n cheese. Barracks gourmet!
  8. You wanna grab a coke or fuck or something?
  9. Pool was 70° and rising last week. Today it's 65°. Fuck
  10. I kinda feel like I'm in trouble looking at this...
  11. Brat I'm sure you ran into my Dad at some point. Seems like 90% of his stories start at the Pig Stand. He was Travis class of '62.
  12. Ok look Player. I'm not gonna steal your dog, I just want to borrow him for a few days. For Hank, not for me. Duh. And send that hunk of meat with him. I'd like to borrow that too.
  13. Keep your head up brother, it'll get better. And there's a puppy out there somewhere who'll be ready to adopt you when the time comes.
  14. Prisons have it inward, everything else has it outward.
  15. If you can tell by this picture, I only had to lay out a horizontal cut, and then a radial? cut along the bottom. Once those lines were laid out I was able to eyeball some blue tape from the top line down to the smiley face cut. That's a lot of words to say no, I don't know how to lay out a circle on the end of a propane tank. So now I'm thinking...can you position the firebox piece as close as possible to the end of the tank. Take a yardstick, hold it against the side of the firebox, and sliding it against the curve of the tank make a mark. Keep the yardstick level with the world as you slide it. Does that make any sense?
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