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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. 56% in-conference winning is better than their historical norm of around 52% in the SWC, Big 12, and SEC. No wonder it's so easy for Liucci to peddle hope to these rubes. But, this assumes aggy knows just how mediocre they've been. Turdition!
  2. DFW Horn

    Florida Gators

    UCF, too. Gators better not sleep on them either. Playing all three P5 Florida teams in the same season was certainly ambitious. Did y'all owe FL politicians favors, or what?
  3. DFW Horn

    Florida Gators

    Miami could have their shit together next year. Regardless, they'll be stoked to play UF.
  4. Nah...not after UT and OU start bullying them again. aggy is furked
  5. Hint: it won't be aggy based on their first 12 SEC years
  6. It's my opinion aggy should've changed their name to Texas State decades ago and dropped the fake army, military pretense. But, it's turdition so...
  7. I'm wondering why we're debating UTD's academic prowess and merits in a realignment thread. Their D3 athletic program makes UTD irrelevant to the conversation. Well, to everyone but @TKthunder2. Maybe he teaches at UTD? Or his kid goes there?
  8. UTD's academics may be stronger than Tech, UH, and State, but it's still a commuter school. D3 athletics
  9. You've gotta be shitting us, @Tomatillo Somebody take him to Texas Chili Parlor this fall when he visits ATX for the game. That Cincinnati fare is just spaghetti with spicy meat sauce.
  10. Good point, I didn't consider that. The fact that Arkansas, Ole Miss, and others don't charge Texas HS grads exorbitant out-of-state fees has boosted their enrollments too.
  11. Well, they should, but how much stroke do their West Coast alumni have? By now, CU's administration has gotta know the new PAC deal will be for some undesirable combination of less money/more streaming.
  12. I have never watched a minute of the WNBA. Are their games broadcast on the main ESPN channel? Why couldn't they just dump that inventory into 2, +, and the Ocho? Or does that make it even more worthless?
  13. Meh Looks like a TXHSFB helmet with the state silhouette. Too many HS teams have it. Yeah, I know, state pride. "Rally the Valley" is good slogan, though.
  14. a Black Friday 2:30pm or prime time kickoff will be ideal for UT vs aggy IMO
  15. Yeah, they just got accepted into the AAU https://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/news/2023/06/07/arizona-state-association-of-american-universities.html
  16. Yes, it'll be nice to benefit from the SEC myth
  17. Because DeLoss and our SID at the time didn't give a shit what anybody thought of UT. It's annoying, but ultimately who cares what aggy, corn, and the Big 12 hanger-ons think? They're never gonna love us anyway. Fuck 'em
  18. Maybe, but why the hold up? CU was much better when recruiting TX. I'm surprised their people haven't already done the analytics, if recruiting is their biggest concern. I haven't looked at their old rosters, but I remember them pulling blue chips like Alfred Williams and Kanavis McGhee out of Houston.
  19. Does CU move to the Big 12 for only a $4MM guaranteed bump annually? Doubtful
  20. SDSU's leadership has gotta be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Send a resignation letter, but "Oh, that's not what we meant". Embarrassing
  21. "Dabo, Kirby, and Jimbo sounds like the 3 Stooges tryin' to run a meth lab" Hilarious
  22. It's like these sports "journalists" share the same fucking brain. Repeat the lie enough and it becomes truth. Define propaganda
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