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Everything posted by smwhorn

  1. smwhorn


    Mrs. Smwhorn (sorry, no pics, I'll cut you) is asst. general counsel for a large Japanese manufacturing company. A few years ago, when all thought it would be Ichiro's last time to Houston, said manufacturing company had a "team building/group hug/make the world a better place" function concluding with a trip to the ballpark to see him. It was actually a pretty cool event. Can't see how someone could not like/root for Ichiro.
  2. smwhorn


    He did not start playing in MLB until he was 27 years old. Think about that . . .
  3. smwhorn


    http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/26321505/in-japan-ichiro-retires-where-career-began Deserves his own thread. Sorry. Not sorry. https://www.sbnation.com/2018/5/4/17321390/ichiro-stats-mlb-japan-career-hits-king-world-wide
  4. I wonder how many times Brad Pitt's character says the word "nahhttsee"
  5. thanks. I sure couldn't think of one. that's a bit surprising actually since they've both been acting since they were so young.
  6. Have Brad and Leo been in a movie together before this one? Too lazy to look it up.
  7. Will pay good hard earned munny to go see this movie.
  8. There's at least 10 or 12 people in attendance at that game. Time to get loud.
  9. Rory wins it on St. Patrick's Day.
  10. 610 does suck. Texans are all they ever talk about. I know they're the station that broadcasts the game but damn there's other shit going on here.
  11. Furyk. -8. No bogies. Hit every fairway. Is that good (for a 48 year old)?
  12. I have some really good friends that are KU grads and I have offered to trade Shaka for Bill since Bill is having such a crummy season. So far, they've said no.
  13. While I would never root for us to lose, I think we will. By a lot. This would be a fitting end to Coach Smart.
  14. We lost our last two by 19 and 17 (at home when we really needed it.) We blew a million point lead in the last 8 minutes in Waco three games ago (yeah, ok, we beat ISU pretty handily). Kansas wins this game by 18.
  15. Jam, Ham and Lam. Positive thoughts to the Lam family.
  16. Fuck him. I couldn't listen to him. He was such a dick on the radio.
  17. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this take.
  18. Didn't know that but it makes sense. My kids went to a fancy shmancy private high school in Houston. As a result, we met and know jillions of other kids from private high schools in Dallas and Austin. Since one of these testing facilities was in Houston, I'm thinking we're going to know some folks on "the list."
  19. This is probably just the first round of charges. There have to be more people that participated in this scheme.
  20. Spring Brek Snek. https://www.khou.com/article/life/animals/watch-your-step-rattlesnakes-spotted-along-beach-access-path/285-bfe2c29b-4d33-441a-8adf-46ec9d555b4e?fbclid=IwAR3eQEKJq9cBNxRLj_ixpX4wxsajPWMAwYDv6XTPIC0nlO71IP32bfOgTSk
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