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Everything posted by smwhorn

  1. I cried already just thinking about it. If it is something the Golf Gods allow, I just might believe peace in the Middle East is possible.
  2. On Father's Day. On his 49th Birthday.
  3. You probably want reservations if you go to cafe diva. Best restaurant in steamboat. Did this. Went to Cafe Diva. Awesome restaurant. It was the best one I went to in Steamboat and we were there for four nights. Actually, all the places we went were good but this one was the best. Thanks for the idea.
  4. Good luck to Shane. Go kick some ass dude. Thanks for your time on and dedication to the Forty Acres.
  5. sorry I was being ironical. Should have added the extra the first time. Still, RIP Frank Robinson.
  6. "MAYBE the best 3rd baseman ever" (said by a dude in the elevator). https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2819848-hall-of-fame-outfielder-manager-frank-robinson-dies-at-age-83?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
  7. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2819392-tom-brady-doesnt-like-being-called-the-goat-it-makes-me-cringe?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial I'm wondering if Brady lurks on Surly.
  8. Don't feed the troll. He can't be that fucking stupid. He claimed in.an earlier post that he's 40 years old (or something close). His posts sounds like he is 14 and not quite through puberty.
  9. I knew what you meant. If it had been most, if not all.the others who would have faced the same defense today, the ball gets turned over more. I do'nt see any of the other qbs winning that game with the way the Rams defense played.
  10. Don't feed the troll. He can't be that fucking stupid.
  11. Don't feed the troll. He can't be that fucking stupid.
  12. He wasn't "meh" in the fourth quarter. Two scoring drives, with the game winner starting at his own 4 yard line.
  13. in a tossup, don't most home teams get favored by a field goal?
  14. Headed to Steamboat tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Haven't been skiing in 10 years but for the 20 before that, we went at least two times a year for a week at a time. I decided to not rent a car and did not make dinner reservations anywhere.
  15. Gambling is ILLEGAL at Bushwood sir . . . https://www.golfchannel.com/news/football-golf-collide-super-bowl-cross-sport-prop-bets
  16. don't feed the troll. he really can't be that fucking stupid.
  17. i agree in general with this but all qbs are now playing under the same rules and non of them have been to their conference championship game 13/17 years or to the SB 9/17 years.
  18. One of my favorite quotes from any book I have ever read. I still use it on occasion when I am trying to explain something important and personal to someone but cannot seem to find the right words. I was about 15 when I read that quote for the first time and I have never forgotten it.
  19. Looks like a blown call to me. This caddie did not assist with lining up the player. It cost Li $98K. https://www.golfchannel.com/news/haotong-li-penalized-2-shots-after-caddie-helps-alignment-dubai-desert-classic
  20. The title is rude, disrespectful, insensitive, and condescending to fat people and retarded people. It's perfect.
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