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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. How has this not been posted yet. Only tour event that we know what it means when AGNC pin placements are posted 13 & 15 balls will be in the water, 11 in the front is a tough pin/chip from the bail out area
  2. Thoughts and prayers to his family but I've had him on my list for a number of years - patience pays off with 24 points on the real killer of Nicole and Ron
  3. not sure if you can still sign up
  4. I have to say that the Masters has the best traditions with the Champions dinner and the honorary starters. I wonder who will fill the spots for Gary & Jack when they can't hit a tee shot anymore - they are more than past champions, they are icons Gary (88) stripes one, hope I am still swinging a club at his age Jack (84) looks like he can barely walk, putting the ball on a tee is accomplishment, but he finds the fairway (which is pretty wide at 150 yards off the tee Tom (74) is a youngster in this threesome, hell he almost won the British only 15 years ago
  5. No favors done for Tiger by making him late (now 3:54)/early (10:18) tee times - he will likely have to play about 27 on Friday, depending on how slow play is around a wet track today. Hopefully all the money spend on drainage will pay off today and they get most of the round in today (footnote - sunset in Augusta today is 7:56 - they are not going to play 3 hour rounds)
  6. No wonder they won't let me win the ticket lotto - they must know that they'd have to throw me out for yelling choker at the Patrons, well at 1 Patron anyway. tldr: fuck that guy
  7. Yes - the link is to the Masters site, it will take you to their pickem, and the Surly group I created. I am currently in first place (and last place)
  8. Is there a secret squirril version of this story, where the wife and hotshot TED talker show you their appreciation of the great brisket? Asking for a friend
  9. One guys analysis, that I saw linked on anther site (so I'm "stealing" it) https://www.golfwrx.com/736980/the-22-players-who-can-win-the-masters-3/
  10. Gotta love Brooks response when asked if someone could shoot a 59 at AGNC this week I mean, now, anything’s attainable. But, yeah, if you want to go play the members tees and maybe play like 15 holes, yeah, I could do that. With the course record being 63, it’s somewhat unclear why the reporter thought a soft golf course would be enough to result in a score four shots better than the record
  11. CPI spikes in March - {insert prepare your anus rep} Interest rate cuts are moving farther away, or are off the table & if this becomes a trend in April & May then IMO rate hikes discussions are back on the table. On the other hand, in election years, the Fed has tried to stay neutral ... but 2024 might just be a different thing Shoulda loaded up on SPY puts
  12. I went the other way - it is hard not to pick Scottie, so I did. My picks are from the pick'em on the Masters website - where are y'all playing? You can play in a Surly group here https://www.masters.com/en_US/fantasy/join.html?leagueId=43725&leagueJoinToken=3f86cf5335
  13. Was really hoping that Rory would be with Phil, Brooks, Sergio or DJ. And seeing the pairings, I am disappointed every year that Patty Reed and Willet won hear because it means they get to keep coming back; it is like the ticket lottery - disappoints me every year.
  14. Please don't tell my wife that this is happening, she will start to worry about this and will want to figure out what we should be doing to offset the risk, (I know this belongs in the stupid things my wife says thread)
  15. Thankfully this is a small field event, but getting 36 in on one day will be a challenge - I'm thinking that if Thursday is a complete washout then they will likely not get to a cut until Saturday when they complete 36 holes; which complicates things because you can't just keep them going after they finish 36 because you have to cut and regroup those who make the cut. Also, Tiger pushing himself to 54 holes in 2 days seems like a strain on his physical limitations. I would like to see him make the cut, even though it means more coverage of Tiger, but if he is anywhere near contending then it makes the excitement level skyrocket
  16. FWIW - Randall Monroe does really kinda get it - here is today's
  17. Just to reiterate - I first saw this xkcd after the 2017 eclipse, and reading other peoples posts about being in the totality convinced me that I wanted to go to view this in the totality. So glad I did, my 2 youngest who went to a dark park in Arky are already talking about not waiting until 2040's to see on in the US. credit xkcd.com/1880/
  18. This is awesome news; and I'm excited to book a flight to Guyana. Of course this is only a few weeks shy of my 218th birthday. Anyone want to meet me there, seems like a great place for a surly meet up. I will however not start that thread, yet. Apparently, it is too early to get ready
  19. The local Indy news has a does and don'ts Here is the best advice: Don't drive while wearing your eclipse glasses
  20. Happy Eclipse Day - not to be mean about it, but it is a bright sunny morning in Indianapolis
  21. You can buy tickets, for thousands, but there is a personal commitment to win the lottery. I think I will have to go by 2026, when my best friend turns 70
  22. Jordan doing Jordan things - low round on the course -5 thru 15, 7 birdies, 2 wallys bogeys, to be in the top 10 (for now - afternoon tee times still to go)
  23. This has to be one of the best maps that I have seen; I have sent a link to at least 10 people. Besides the time in totality, it also has a animation that shows the circle (oblated oval) of totality as it travels (heads up - click the 60x button and move the slider to get to where you want to see it
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