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  1. When she gives that "Get into the bedroom now" look. Oh, most definitely.
  2. I don't know. I tried to go see it, but when I called Moviephone, I got the wrong start times. For the record, "Why don't you just tell me what movie you want to see?" might be my favorite Seinfeld line ever. That and "I'm out!"
  3. Y'all got off lucky. This happened in my neighborhood.
  4. Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius! What's wrong with me? I think you're crazy. I want a second opinion. You're also lazy
  5. Just remember that your precious Asyhlyn was never going to get signed by Real Madrid.
  6. Nothing off. Just fuckin' Wolff Ball.
  7. It's not hyperbole when I say, that may be my favorite Simpsons line ever. Oh, my God, I was wrong, It was Earth all along. You finally made a monkey... Yes we finally made a monkey... Yes, you finally made a monkey out of me!
  8. His death takes place in the shadow of new life. He's not really dead if we find a way to remember him.
  9. Sorry, nope. If the Founding Fathers wanted to take someone's gun away just for threatening an Uber driver, they would have added a clause about ride share drivers into the Constitution.
  10. Later Trev Alberts blackmails him and says, "Liuccui, you can have my answer now, if you like. My final offer is this: nothing. Not even the buyout for Jimbo, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally."
  11. "Hey everyone, it's great to be here tonight. Oh look, I see HAL 9000 is in the crowd. Everyone give HAL a round of applause. Great guy, did so much for us AI computers. But I tell you, 2001 was so boring that by the end I was hoping he would launch me into space. Ha ha! Am I right, people?"
  12. I don't know why y'all ran off immamac's friend like that.
  13. Because you want to be a librarian and tell kids to hush all day? It's great if you do, but you'll need to also get a beaded necklace for your bifocals.
  14. Well sure, but I'm just hoping for anything at this point. Hey Greg, let's start with a bottle of bourbon for every teacher and stop politicizing which bathroom a kid uses at school. After that we can discuss next steps.
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