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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rudiger

  1. Literally came to post this. What a fucking nutjob.
  2. That’s just being a good host.
  3. Fully guaranteed, with no buyout, of course.
  4. I bet there aren't desperate Asian girls in my city waiting to meet me either.
  5. *Terms and conditions apply. Talk to your doctor if you experience spiritual awakening lasting more than 4 hours. In clinical trials, the most common side effects were nausea and mild stigmata.
  6. I watch ESPN streaming and usually I get a commercial break message with ethereal white noise.
  7. Did I just watch a commercial for…Jesus? That was kind of a weird commercial.
  8. I’m pretty confused. Ball is still live. What’s the rule on that?
  9. Will Matthews was my next door neighbor my freshman year. /csb
  10. “No no, make sure it’s slightly off-center.” -Zion, probably.
  11. Glenn Cunningham is in San Antonio, is a past president of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, and has a nurse on staff to review cases (who is also his wife). He'll almost certainly tell you there's no case there, but you should trust his take. https://www.cunninghamfirm.com/
  12. Funny, I don't remember him saying the had the worst offensive line coach in college football 3 months ago.
  13. I told my wife I'd like to ring in the holidays with a closeup of uranus, but you can guess how that went.
  14. That's the only one I remember, and the scenario sounds about right. Except they dropped us off at crappy apartment complexes in north Austin. Our manager was a guy who went by Cyprus but whose real name was Jerry or something similarly pedestrian.
  15. Has anyone ever called a number on a bathroom stall and actually had a good time?
  16. Good to know I don’t need to bother watching Texas basketball this year.
  17. Once again, I have no idea what targeting means.
  18. Rudiger


    Are you looking for full price or 1/2 price?
  19. I think the proper solution is E-Rob + C-Wig = Nattys
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