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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. UCLA with a huge 3 run shot with 2 outs in the bottom of the 6 to go up 4-1
  2. I don't think these two recruitments are similar at all.
  3. This girl was out by 10 miles, why are they challenging obstruction?
  4. Does that include coming off the base that he's standing on? There needs to be a halo rule for the bases or else you'll get fielders leaning into this just to get a call.
  5. And the last 20 years OU has basically kicked our ass regardless.
  6. Thick knuckles, would not bang. Good luck and congrats!
  7. TBH, I agree with them on Riley. He's a fucking pussy ass bitch and his actions have showed that even while he was there.
  8. I bet they stretch games out that weekend with Thursday through Saturday night caps.
  9. Do they reach a point where they don't want to be swaddled any longer? Is that why he angry cried?
  10. Madden plays like a simulation instead of an arcade style game. If NCAA is more arcade feeling that will be really good because Madden is sluggish as hell and even a 99 speed player feels slow.
  11. I think a Washington all-american pitcher is in the portal. I can't find the tweet anymore because it's been a few days or a week.
  12. Not being able to show the actual broadcast of the commitment ceremony is killing OTF but still hilarious they had more views during the announcement over IT's broadcast who was streaming the ceremony.
  13. Yeah what he said you stupid bitch @DixonHur
  14. He hit the window with the flashlight according the previously posted videos.
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